Please note that these are real letters from our clients. Nothing has been changed except to edit out or change the names and/or locations
(for obvious reasons of confidentiality!). Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax have all been left intact. The actual letters and/or emails are on file in our office.
(In some cases, only the partial letter was reproduced here due to some of the content being irrelevant or confidential.)
I do hope you find these letters inspiring! Even I, Mambo Sam come and re-read these testimonials on occasion!
They are so uplifting and remind me of those people who have come to me for help and are now living happier, more fulfilled lives.
It is just a wonderful feeling for me and I hope for you, too.
Some testimonials may refer to certain steps of spells that you might think you would be unable to complete. Don't let that be a deciding factor in your spell choices!
There are alternative ways of getting the spells done if you can't do certain steps.
We also have over 36,000 "likes" and a great number of testimonials on our Spellmaker Facebook Page!
The page is public, so you can read all of it anytime you desire!
Please enjoy the testimonials!
- Sam: I just wanted to thank you! I've been using your kits and voodoo dolls and have had wonderful results! I worked really hard on them and it is so great to see such results! The love doll definately worked as the one I love has just told me he wants me to move up to the area he lives in because he misses me so! Also the times we have spent together he has been much more affectionate! I'm so excited. Thank you so much!
- Hi, SAM I Used The love doll kit first and got results the same night, I will continue to use it until he returns to me . HE WAS FULL OF I LOVE YOU'S ALL EVENING AFTER I TRIED IT. EVEN SCREAMING IT OUT LOUD. THANK YOU!
- Okay! You win! Even though I only tried the love attraction kit because a friend recommended it, I was so skeptical!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT the
three days after I finished everything I got 7 calls on a personal ad I had placed. That might seem normal but I had placed ads for a year and got hardly any calls at all until I finished the kit! I am ordering some money stuff next!
- Hey Samantha! Wassup?? You probably won't remember me. I bought some kits from you about a year ago. My situation was that my boyfriend left me for a woman he worked with. I got the kits but then didn't use them. I don't know why. I just got depressed and felt hopeless. About six months ago I took the kits out of the closet and decided that maybe doing them would at least make me feel better. So, I went ahead and did the three kits I had ordered in the first place. Guess what? (You probably already know ;-) -- out of the clear blue sky he called me and told me that it was over with him and Jess and that he had made a mistake and that he wanted to come home! I had lost your address or would have written you before now, but I just wanted to say thank you and let you know about the happiness I have now. Be well.
- Dear Sam, hi, how are you? I hope you are doing fine. It has been awhile since I had computer access and wanted to let you know that Roger and I are doing just great! The spell work we did together really removed all the doubts he had since I made my mistake and we have set a wedding date. I know I will never make those mistakes again and now he believes it, too. Can you come to Iowa for a wedding? I really feel that without you this would not have happened and I would love to have you come."
- Hi! Guess what???? He's home!! He came back about three days ago, apologized (this has never happened before - he always found a way to blame me for whatever went wrong), AND said he wants to go to counselling! After I kiss the person who recommended you to me, I would like to kiss you, too!
- were so right when you recommended the stuff you had me do. I appreciate the time and personal service you gave to me when I really needed someone to help me. I got the new job and it involved a much better salary than what I was making.
- Hey, girlfriend, well progress is happening. I am halfway through the Love Me Again kit. We had lunch today (he invited me!!) and he said that he had been so confused with all the argueing and fighting that we were doing and that is why he left in the first place. We agreed to meet again in a couple of days and try to work things out. Can you say ECSTATIC? :-)
- Sam! Hope you are doing great. Have you ever thought of doing a page where you put people's letters that tell how good their results were with the spell kits? If so, please put this one. As you know, Kathy and I were in the dumps. It was definitely over. I had cheated on her and she just could not forgive me and I didn't blame her. But I still wanted her back and knew what a mistake I had made. I can't thank you enough for your thoughtful recommendations and for your guidance through this. She says she has forgiven me and we are talking a lot about getting back together. She is taking it slow just as you said she would but I don't mind in the least because she is talking to me and says she still loves me - something she said she could never do again. It took a lot of work to get to this point but I wouldn't change anything about it. I hope someday I can meet you to thank you in person.
- ....and I would never have believed how things would have turned out. David did not come back to me, but a new love presented itself and I fell head over heels three days after finishing the two kits! I guess you were right when you said that we are all protected from having stupid things happen to us. Now that I am with Robert, I don't even know why I wanted David back. Thanks to you, the kits, and the loa, I found true happiness, even though it wasn't what I had expected. It's better! Thank you so much for helping me get my life back on track. I don't think I will ever be that weak suicidal chick who came to you in the first place.
- Jenny's back home now. Funny but I thought I would never see her again. And even though it finally took some custom kits to get everything to fall into place, I don't mind a bit all the time it took. I catch myself stareing at her and wondering if she is real sometimes. Guess I better stop that or she will think I am nuts. I thought I WAS nuts when I actually considered doing voodoo love spell work but I was so desparate that I went ahead with it. I can't tell you how happy I am that I did do the work with you and even though it took a long time it did work and my best girl is back home. If I can ever do anything for you I hope you would call on me.
- " know, I found you by accident - but maybe it was not a accident at all. I believ that I would not be where I am today if I would not have gotten it together enough to order the kits and the doll. Things worked out great between us and I just wnated you to know that.
- ...I was scared to death to try this stuff. I had read so much crap on the net that I didn't knw what to believe, but after we talked I felt that I had been told the truth. I am glad we talked because after doing my two kits everything is much better and I think I will now try the third one to wrap everything up. thanks for being here for me.
- Dear Sam: Everything is going so well. The fourth day of doing spell#2 "Love Me Again". He called me saying that "He missed me.......when he told me he lovedme he meant it....he wants me back" and so much more. I was so happy. On the last day of doing the trail with the sand of time* , that next day he was at my doorstep wanting to spend time with our daughter and I. Sam , I thank you so so so much. Words can not describe how much I thank you. *(*Please note that the Sands of Time™ trail is a step in some of our spell kits that has many alternatives to it in case you live too far away from the person you are working on or cannot get close to their home or other place for any reason. You will be provided with alternatives to this step of the spell kit if you need it.)
- Hi Sam, It has been quite a while since we talked. I must tell you. I ordered the "Get a Job" spell and did it with you. I left IBM and exactly what you said would happen DID HAPPEN! I am in my Dream Job. It happened quickly and totally unexpectedly! I have been in my new job for three months and I am quite happy! I hope this year brings you all of your wishes.
- You will find that Samantha's products are of top quality and extremely powerful. Beyond that, her devotion to her clients is as great as the products themselves. Through the use of her spells I have met the woman most men only dream about...beautiful, kind, caring, devoted, and someone who shows me the same, pure and true love that I show her. Had it not been for these spells and Sam's caring for her clients beyond the mere sale of goods, I would still be alone and miserable. Thank you Sam!!! You've helped turn my life around!!
- Hi Sam, I finally got the sand to finish up the Leave My Man Alone spell. Thank you very much! Funny thing is that since I've finished it I have heard that my ex's current girlfriend has moved out of his place and they are extremely close to calling it quits all together. Wow....that was fast!
- Hi, Sam- I just have to let you know how my spellwork is going. First of all, your products are lovely. Instructions are very clear, and the oils/herbs/incense are the finest. But best of all, the ritual is fantastic. The tracing of the griffe and the use of the "traces" is quite powerful - it put me into a completely different mindset than my usual work, and that's just what I was looking for. Asking for the help of the Lois is a little unusual, since I don't have a relationship with them until now, and I feel still a bit inhibited. But I get a picture in my mind's eye of Ogoun and Alegba, and that's good, I feel. But the most powerful part has been, of course, the visualization and speaking. I find that I don't want that to end - I have discovered quite a bit about my situation during this part of the spell. Whereas I thought I wanted one thing, through the work I find that I truly want other things to happen instead! And after the spell, I find my arms and hands so hot that I have to go outside and ground them for several minutes, and drain the power from myself as well.
I just wanted to tell you how satisfying this spellwork has been so far - it's like learning an entirely new lesson, and it's taking me out of my comfort zone - I feel like I'm playing with the big boys! And I really like your attitude on love spells - that it's not manipulative, but is essential for removing those big obstacles which, if left alone, could deny you and the other person of a truly deep and loving relationship. And I have found that if there is no basis for love, love spells don't work anyway. My situation is not anything like that, but there is an old binding tie whose time has come to be completely severed, and that is what I wish to accomplish. I know it will happen.
- ...the spellwork is going good. i have seen a lot of positive changes since
the "leave my man alone" and "love me again" spells have been completed, including stuff like he's once again been regularly available in the evenings when he wasn't available in the evenings the past several years. He's also been seeing me EVERY weekend again!!! ...he's also quite often been coming over during evenings weeknights and staying the nights...but i see a definite change for the better, including specific things i had visualized/talked about in the spellwork such as the above plus other things. --it tells me the spells are definitely
having their effect.
- Hello there, First of all I wanted to thank you. I ordered a 'Make You Love Me' spell kit several months ago and have had incredible results! I'll admit that I was a bit skeptical about ordering but was willing to try anything possible to get a certain someone to see the depth of my feelings for him. Your spell kit helped open the gates and I now find myself in the arms of one of the most sweet, caring, trustworthy and honest man that I have ever met. Things are going wonderfully! There were a few surprises of course..I was surprised at the potency of the spell. I went into this hoping only that he would take more
notice of me and see what I had burning inside for him. Several weeks after having completed the spell he unexpectedly moved 65 miles back to his hometown (which just so happens to be minutes from my own home) and our courtship began in earnest. Things just keep getting better, we're growing more comfortable and affectionate as each day passes and I haven't been this happy in years. So once more THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!
- I just have one thing to say - YOU ARE GOOD!! Okay, maybe we both are good. But today, even I was amazed! Refresher: I did Leave My Man Alone to get rid of negativity in general and the ex girlfriend in particular. While the No One But Me spell manifested right away, the ex was still around and things seemed to be stagnant (...or so it SEEMED!!). But today, my visualizations were realized - I wasn't there, but by the sound of it, it had all the elements I had imagined during the spellwork - name-calling, button-pushing, disappointment, high decibels - ending in key throwing and door slamming!! Like I wrote the script myself (heehee!!!!!)
- Hi Sam!!! How are you??? I'll just keep you one second....I wanted to
write and tell you that my doll IS working!! Even BEFORE we start on the "Leave My Man Alone" spell; Johnny paged me tonight and left a message on my voicemail that said he wanted me to call him...that he hadn't talked to me in what seemed like "forever" (actually it has been about a month since I told him that I wouldn't share any of his time
with his ex-girlfriend and cut off all contact with him). So I know he's missing me and I just wanted to let you know that I'll bet the doll had alot to do with him being brave enough to call me at midnight on a Monday night!!
- Dear Samantha, Thank you, thank you, thank you! Two months ago, I sent you an e-mail about how my boyfriend left me because he felt that we were in a "rut". He started seeing another woman and it totally broke my heart. Fred and I had been together for over three years and all of this came as a total shock to me. That was when I came to you. I ordered the "Leave my man alone" and "Love me again" spell kits. After completing the "Leave my man alone" kit, Fred and I started to talk again. He was still with the other woman, but communication opened up between us. I then did the "Love me again" kit. One week after I completed the kit, Fred called me. He told me that he broke up with the other woman and he realized his total love for me. He said that he never had feelings for her and he regretted letting go of me physically, because he never let go of me emotionally. We are taking things slow right now (because both of us are nervous), but things are totally wonderful between us. We are happy and so in love all over again. I want to thank you with all of my heart for offering this service. I totally recommend using the products that you offer. I never really thought that I would have the chance to be with
Fred again. I felt like my situation was hopeless, but the spell kits have changed all of that. I felt like I had control. I totally praise the spirits who have helped me. I am so thankful and I plan on purchasing the "No one but me" spell kit that you suggested. Thank you
so much for being there for me. You have made me a believer. Thank you!!!!
- I am a 30 year old female named Judy and I just wanted to give you a wonderful testimonial! I purchased the "make you love me" spell kit a while back and never used it. Well I had been having a "friendship" with this man that I really was in love with! We started to have a "relationship" but he broke it off after a few weeks saying he just didnt love me back and wanted to remain best friends. Of course I was heartbroken and decided after a few weeks alone to try the spell. On the tenth day of the spell I returned home from doing the sands of time* trail from his house to mine and he called me! He told me he wanted to come over and see me! Which is very strange because he is temporarily living away at a job site and it's a 2 hour drive. So he's driving all the way down to my house this evening to see me! He said that he missed me! I am so excited! I dont know how to thank you enough. I'll let you know how it works out! hehe :) Thanks again Sam!(*Please note that the Sands of Time™ trail is a step in some of our spell kits that has many alternatives to it in case you live too far away from the person you are working on or cannot get close to their home or other place for any reason. You will be provided with alternatives to this step of the spell kit if you need it.)
- Hello Samantha, I wanted to thank you for all of your help. Last Fall and Spring I used several of your kits on my own and, at the end, did one of the spells
with you. After getting only negative responses, I gave up my hopes about this particular person and started to move on. This Fall, though, he came to me and said exactly what I had visualized him saying to me while I cast those spells all of those months ago. I was so stunned that I walked around in a daze for several more months. I am still a bit
stunned about it all, but things are going great.
- Dear Samantha, I hope you can add me to your testimonial page (but please don't use my full name! I like to keep my private life private!). I received a love spell from you in the mail, and after setting up the spell to get started I suddenly became panicky and nearly threw everything away! Boy am I glad I didn't! I got the spell because my boyfriend and I are very much in love, and I hope that our love can work and last and grow for as long as possible. In particular, we have a long distance relationship that was facing some extra stress due to our jobs and I felt we needed some extra strength. The day I nearly threw the spell away, we had a huge fight that left both of us miserable. I was certain this had something to do with my decision, so that night I decided to start the spell. Lo and behold, our relationship healed quickly and lately we seem to be experiencing a new freshness to our relationship, an ease with dealing with all of our problems, and a definite renewed warmth and closeness. I am anxious to see how our love continues to blossom in the remaining days of the spell and thereafter. Thank you! I want this letter to reassure anyone who is nervous about voodoo that it IS completely safe, and there is nothing to be afraid of as long as your intentions are honest.
- I am so happy to inform you that my boy friend and I got back together on Sunday. I don't think that things would have worked out the way they did if I hadn't done the leave my man alone spell. I think by doing so, it
allowed him to realize and remember how wonderfully happy we made each other, better yet it made (I know not literally made but you know what I mean) miss it so much to nearly break down into tears twice in public
when he was trying to tell me about it. Thank you so much, I am so happy.
- Hello. It's me, Cyndi, in Washington. I promised to keep you abreast of my work, so here's my report.
It's rather like having a bad dream washed away by the warm sunlight. I will keep you advised over the next few weeks about whether or not John actually makes an appearance. I want to thank you again, sincerely and truly, for your support and guidance through this difficult time. Both have been of immeasurable value these last few weeks.
- I also wanted you to relay a little message to Reverend Kaye for me, Tell her that the results are going very well and I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so glad that I put my faith in this and I am very happy so far, and would very much like it to continue!
- I finally got a job!!! I start tomorrow and it will go for 2 months. What a relief! What's funny - sort of - is that Friday I got rejected for one job and got hired for this one within a half hour of each other. I am so relieved and happy. MANY THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!! Especially for the extra time - very nice and very appreciated...
- ...Also, I would like to comment on how nicely everything in my first order was wrapped and packed... it gave the impression that great care really goes into the preparation and packing of each item. Thank you for your apparent
consideration, care, and kindness.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times over for all the help and support you have given me. Things between Leah and I are wonderful, she is so loving and caring, it has been magical and I owe you so much for your
help, support and products. When this all began it seemed like an impossible dream and knowing all the circumstances surounding was.
- Money, money, money! Haha! Well, I didn't win the lotto and I didn't find oil in my backyard. BUT I did get a raise at work, an income tax refund that I was in absolutely NO WAY expecting, and, this is kinda funny, I decided that it was time to grow up and sold off my comic book collection for a LOT of cool cash. I didn't know how much it was worth and a guy sort of fell into my lap at a party who wanted to buy the whole collection...that was weird because it wasn't that kind of party. But anyway the bottom line is that I feel the Big Money kit was very helpful and I am going to do it again!
- Thank you Sam. You know, most people in you position would try to sell me kits even though I didn't really need them. You are a true professional and a real friend-even though I don't "KNOW" you, I feel like I do. You have your clients best interests at heart. That means the world to me. thank you for being my friend and confidant, my mentor, and instructor. I definitely will get another Marry Me Kit at the end of the summer. Until then I will work with what I have. Keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine.
- ...after you suggested the love spells, I was able to get rid of my ex and am now getting married to the most wonderful guy. Thank you!
- Samantha and Crew: Just a thank you for your professional way of doing things. You don't oversell items and are very sincere and patient with your customers. Most other services tell you what you want to hear, purely for the money. You don't take advantage of people when they are down and take time to reply in a non nonsence manner. When people are so desperate they turn to you for help they are very vulnerable. You understand this and never make fun. The pain your clients feel is for real. You don't sell them a lot of phoney notions or get expectations high. I might still be heartbroken, but at least you didn't destroy my faith in humans. You never made promises you couldn't keep. It's a start on my way back up and I thank you for it.
- I just wanted to let you know that i am so greatful for the wonderful results from using the famous red mummy kit. After using it for about 2 weks i rec'd the results immediatly. I petitioned that a lost love of mine would make full contact with me successfully, and he did on Thrusday 9/7. Reminder, i have not heard from this person for the last past 6 months. He called and apologize for just disappearing out of my life without any explanation. I accepted his apology and now we are back on track. As a matter of fact, we went out on Friday and yesterday Monday. I am so greatful and very thankful for your products as well for all the knd help and quick responses from Orleanna. Also, i have a future order in house for #5 leave my man alone spell kit. Once again, I am very greatful and satisfied!!
- Hi Orleanna, In md June you were assigned to be my caseworker after I ordered a brown female
candle magic kit. To refresh your memory, I consulted with you about the best way to handle the situation with
my very troublesome boss, who was continually sabotaging my efforts to get ahead. You suggested
a brown candle kit or the "Go Away Woman" kit. I chose the brown candle kit, even though you advised
that it was the weaker of the two. I wanted to let you and Samantha know that the brown candle spell
worked almost immediately!! Unbeknownst to me until I finished, it started working within the first 24
hours, and in ways I never imagined!! Most importantly, she has left me alone and no longer seems eager to
stand in my way, which was what I wanted. I just want to commend you on the quality of your products and on your
integrity. Now I'm seriously thinking about ordering the get a job kit as well as the self improvement doll,
now that I see that this magic works. I am truly a believer!! God Bless you and please continue the
good work.
- My most sincere thanks to all of you at the order dept. I'm so pleased to hear that the
snail mail order has been recieved. And just to let you know, Orleanna had talked with Maurice to find out if the order had been recieved because I needed to make a switch in the kit I ordered for dual casting. Maurice made
a note of it and said he'd take care of everything. He and Orleanna were so wonderful and helpful! You all seem very kind and caring. I really appreciate it.
Thanks for getting back to me.
- Hello Samantha, Hyacinth and Orleanna, Well, I had to write you and tell you!!! #1, THANK YOU so much for your help during this incredibly intense time. Your system of tech support has provided me wonderfully with much needed guidance! Your kind and prompt service get '3 thumbs up!' I could not have done this by myself!
#2, I truly believed Joseph had lost total desire to be with me again! After 5 months of total absence, Joseph and I made contact just past Wednesday. I went to see him at work. And I saw in his eyes the love we
thought we had lost. He was reassuring telling me, "Don't think I don't want to be with you, I want to be with you! Remember, slow and steady, wins the race". It is still too early to see if my heart's desire will be fulfilled, we both
have a lot to sort through. Nevertheless, the channels are open with your help and the help of the Lois! I can't tell you how wonderful it feels having faith and hope restored! Wow, miracles do happen!!! Thank you Again!!
- Hello - I recently made a sizeable order from you and was very pleased with the results of the items I used. As a matter of fact the amulets worked so well they were the key factor in getting me healthy again. I saw through using them that the relationship wasn't healthy for me at all. The break-up was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. I've gained strength and peace because of the amulets you sent. Thank you so much. And the spell kit to keep my ex-partner's mother from moving in and harming the emotional health of our 7-year-old worked great, too! Thanks again.
- I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all your staff - Hyacinth, Orleanna, and Maurice (oh and well, gee, YOU too, Samantha!!!!). Everyone really helped me through what I think was the most difficult time of my life. Your kindness and caring goes way beyond the products you sell. I feel like I have friends in Albuquerque and I hope that I will someday meet you all. You will all always be in my prayers and I will never forget what you have done for me.
- Hi Sam ... just a short note to let you know my lawsuit is all over. I did win a victory last December, but still had to go to court this past Wed. to force them to turn all over to me. Was all set to rake them over the coals will all the stuff they put me through, but was denied that satisfaction ... they quit! The estate/trust has to be audited and will
then be turned over to me within 90 days. Until then my lawyer is now the executor and my daughter and I are trustees. I know your help aided in this victory and helped me endure all the rough times! Words cannot express how greatful I am.
- Dearest Reverend Kaye, Just a little note of sincere thanks. You assigned Orleanna to my case,she said for my protection I was welcome to confirm her assingment to my case and so that is what I am doing. But I have already begun my spell work,and I am so thrilled,so excited,I just wanted to tell you,how so very beautiful the whole experience is. I will follow Orleanna's recommendations fully ordering each she has recommended. This is a first for me,and I cant tell you what a wonderful experience it is for me,so very beautiful,and I can feel the power of the Lois,the power of it all,and it is awesome. I want to tell you all the details,but also remember the secrecy you mention as well so I will refrain from doing so. Thank you Reverend Kaye from my whole heart. And please thank Orleanna too.
- First, I wanted to thank you for the Lots-of-Luck spell that you have casted for me late last year; I must confess that the good luck that I have had for the last six months have been amazing, and I cannot thank you enough for them; things that were on the far ends of my imagination just a year ago have materialized, and I must say I am very content with what was brought about by your effort.
- Hi Sam...I just wanted to thank you for the spell and the effectiveness of it...I used the Leave My Man Alone, and then the Love Me Again but because I didn't see anything happening, I kind of gave up on the idea of the kit
working. When I first finished the second cpell kit first week of March, Iwent to contact my ex. Last time we spoke, he said to me that he wanted time to figure his feelings out about me, and his ex was still in the picture. He
said that he would contact me once he takes care of things. Well, that daywhen I called him I got some info, which was that him and the ex girlfriend are back together, although things are a bit rocky. I was upset, and was
depressed for few days, but was able to go on with my life, slowly, but surely. I wasn't going to call him or anything, until I was ready to accept the fact that he's with someone else. So weeks went by, and I kind of was
just concentrating on my life. Then, the night of May 15th, the phone rang. It was him. He told me how I was right all along about everything, and that he missed me, him and the other girl have been broken up for few months
already, etc etc!!!! ...I just wanted to let you know that at least the difficult part, which is to
get back in touch with him, is done, and the other party is gone. Now, I need to have him to myself!!!!! Wish me luck...I'm sure I will be contacting you again soon....
- Dear Orleanna, I followed your suggestion and ordered a Cosmic Voodoo Spirituality Egg.
I have to thank you for this suggestion, I had a most interesting experience with this spell when I used it for the first time, three days ago. Perhaps it it necessary to recall why you suggested that I do this. I had written you that a very deep feeling of abandonment and loneliness, that I believed to be karmic, was surfacing strongly during the spellwork. And you {edited for content} suggested The Cosmic Voodoo Spirituality Egg Spell Kit(tm), Item CVE6.
I did the spell with the egg kit and put a lot of concentration in it. It was, indeed, some very intense work. I focused on spiritual healing of past hurt and pain, etc. - again I could feel a distinctive presence, as of someone listening to me. What happened is that, the following night, I had the most painful and tense dreams I have had for some time. I don't have nightmares normally, but those really were nightmares. It seemed that in those dreams I was experiencing all the pain and fears I've ever had. I could see my lover rejecting me brutally, etc. - I'd wake up regularly and
fall into another painful dream the next minute. Strangely enough, when I woke up in the morning, I did not feel that pain anymore. I felt I had been "cleaned" inside, as though the dreams had been a purification process and
all my fears had come out. Since that night, I haven't been tormented with those feelings of rejection and emotional fear. I think this is really wonderful. ...Also, that evening, I had my ten-minute telephone conversation with
Reverend Samantha Kaye and I have to tell you what a great moment this was. I knew she was a wonderful person and that she was certainly very nice, but I couldn't know how nice, warm and friendly she actually was. We had a beautiful contact and I felt all warmed-up from this conversation. If you have a chance, please tell her how happy I was to talk to her! This joy has been following me since then. I admired how clearly she did understand my situation with my lover, how accurately she described him.
- I am basically writing you back to give you all of my thanks. Ever since I finished working on the first kit (Love Me Again), my results have been excellent. All I can say is YES, YES YES!! You have been a great help to me and very patient as well. That is so important. When people start working on things that are new to them, there is so much that they don't know. Especially since working on such kits you are calling on spirits for help and you don't want to make any mistakes because you're afraid that anything could go wrong if the work is not done right (such as myself) and I know that I have questioned you a lot. I can admit that I was having some doubts at first and that I was just hoping that this relationship could be helped due to all of the negativity in the relationship. Now I know that there was help and hope for us once again. You have been the best as far as giving good advice and responding to questions in a timely manner. And I can also tell that you as the support staff are very bright and well educated people. I just wanted to leave you with this note. But mainly you. Even though I know that there are other staff members, you have been the one to reply to all my questions. I am glad that whenever I have questions concerning the usage of the kits that I can expect a well informed answer from you. So thank you very much Hyacinth . I am finishing up with LMMA and then I am going to start over with the LMA, and then NOBM. Once my work is completed, if it's okay with you, I will contact you once more (hoping that you will be the one to receive the email) to let you know how everything is going. also if you would like to post these statements on the website as a testimonial, feel free to. I want everyone to know that this REALLY WORKS (just change my name please).
- I am into my leave my man alone kit/dual casting with rev samantha, and today he emailed me out of the blue. this is on the 5th day of the 1st spell and he is already contacting me. wow, i was starting to think i was beating
a dead horse since i have heard from him in 1 month. thank you so much, i can not wait to start the love me again dual casting. the incense and oils smell very good. thank you for helping me. i am going to recommend your
service to my friends. thank you again and thank you papa algeba!!!!!!!
- I have ordered from you before and I would like you to know I had great success. One example: after casting your lots a luck spell, I succeded effortlessly to lose nearly 3 stones in weight. I thankyou for your service!
- First of all, I would like to express to you my sincere appreciation for the wonderful service that has been offered me by Spellmaker. Your products are beautiful and of the highest quality, which means a lot when one is investing one's heart, as well as a substantial amount of money. Additionally, Maurice has always been exceptionally kind and helpful whenever I have called with personal/product concerns; he has never failed to return a call or answer a question, no matter how trivial, because he seemed to recognize that the answers were important to me. I am also deeply appreciative of the time that you, Rev. Samantha, have taken regarding my two ordered dual castings. I have tremendous faith in spellwork, and I am gratified to have your support in this self-empowering endeavor.
- Thank you Sister Bridget for everything. Your readings have kept me going and your patience with me is greatly appreciated.
- A package from Spellmaker! The absolute best thing is opening that package and the smell of everything that is wonderful comes out at you. It just feels like peace and love and magic and goodness. Thank you.
- Dear Orleanna,I used the Leave My Man Alone, Love Me Again, and the No One But Me spell kits several months ago. I have to say that my relationship has been wonderful since then, and I continue to see the results I wanted. I am very happy.
- Love you, and THANKS AGAIN!!! I believe that you are a miracle-worker, and I think I've just witnessed a small miracle happen with this chat (since I didn't think he and I would ever even speak again)!
- So far, so good! I am absolutely astounded at what has taken place so far with the doll and the white candles. I haven't finished with them but I plan to, of course, as directed. To date, I have had three sessions with each item.Thanks to everyone who helped via the telephone. Certainly I will be a repeat customer when situations warrant it! Tell Bob hello and thank you!
- Unreal!!!!! so far, your spells really work!!! :-)
- Just wanted to say thank you so much for assigning Orleanna as my confidential caseworker. She and Bob and Maurice have been so helpful to me. I know I have been a pain in the ass repeatedly but no one there ever made me feel like dirt or like I was stupid. That means so much to me and I don't want you to ever think Reverand Kaye that I don't appreciate it.
- I ordered the learning and study charm. I am a Medical doctor and have had trouble with the medical boards (there are 3 parts) for years, I am on part III. I did the spell and again decided to go to the book store to see if anything better had been published about them,the existing material is poorly written and does not adequately cover the scope of the boards. On
the shelf was a new (1 copy) small book writen about Part II and III. I bought it and when I took the test it was that book completely new material that I had not encountered in the 7 years of study. MY mind was clear and everything flowed!
- The reason I am writing to you is not because I have any questions, just because I want to thank you for all the work you did for me, and especially because you care, when I need someone's care and support. Just to tell you a few words about the spell work that I do. I feel so comfortable now wnen I am doing my daily ritual, as a matter of fact I enjoy it very much. Whenever I sit in front of my altar, I know that the lois are there for me, and I feel so close to them, like I'm talking to an old friend. I don't have the words to describe you how good I feel, when I finish it. When I broke up with John, I was so desperate Samantha, and I knew that I have to do something, and it must be something out there that I can do. For days, I was sitting in front of my computer and trying to find something that could help me, and finally when I found your web page, I thought I am dreaming. There was everything I needed. And I will tell you the truth, the first thing I did, I read the testimonial page, and I start crying. I immediately ordered the voodoo doll, and then later Orleanna suggested me voodoo creole kits. I always believed in spiritual world, but I never thought, that this is gonna be such a great experience for me. John is a stubborn person, but he is not stronger than spirits for sure. What is happening these days, is that I believe that he is trying to contact me, and he hangs up on me every time I pick up the phone. That never happened before. All my friends talk to me, don't hang up on me. He actually send me an e-mail, that was actually forwarded joke, but concerning the fact that he didn't send me anything in the last 3 months, I know it was help hand of lois. One more time, thank you Samantha, you definitely changed my world, and I am being so positive, almost I am sure that he is on his way back to me.
- I wanna thank you so much for everything you did for me. I don't think you understand the releif you are bringing into my life. I always feel better. These days I was really depressed, but once you send me the report I feel like I was born again. I did have 2 hang ups again, and that's about it, but I promise you to keep you informed about my situation. I have such a great confidence now in you, your products and lois, I have recommended you to my best Tricia who is also going through the same thing. Thank you again, for being here for me, I will never never forget you. You are my pretty angel.
- Dear Reverend Kaye - I wanted to thank you so so so much for the report on my spell casting with you. I was amazed at the detail and insite you had into my situation - I know you sayyou are not psychic but the guidance you receive during your spell work is amazing to me. I truly feel that I was guided myself to your web page befause I would never therwise try something like this. Your kind staff is also such a pleasure and my many talks with Bob in tech support left me feeling hopeful and also just plain lucky to have found a placw where people bother with speaking with you.
- My name is John Doe (from Spain) and i am a very, very happy costumer. You probably do not remember me, but the most important thing is that your spells do really work!!
First of all thank you very much with all our hearts (the one of my girlfriend and mine )for your help and for putting the spell kit in the market.
- I am happy to say my job search has come to an end! I have my dream job and I owe it all to hard work, research, and a little magic. When I had applied for this particular position I was up against 45 others. I was invited back for a second interview along with a few other people. I had a very good chance until a person internally wanted the position. At this time I had purchased, received and completed my spell. Then came the third interview, and within 2 days I was made an offer! Thank you so much for all your support and wonderful products.
- I wanted to inform you that on April 3, at 1 pm in the afternoon that the woman we preformed the Revenge Kit on, died instantly in an head on collision with an 18 wheeler.
I wanted to thank you for including all the other people as well as myself who she had a hand in destroying there lives. In fact she was the cause of 2 peoples deaths that I know of. I can not say that I am happy about her death but I am relieve that she will not be able to hurt any one else. I want to thank you again for all your help. There is no telling how many innocent lives have been saved by your help. (A note from Rev. Kaye: Please be aware that the subject of this spell casting was a known murderer - she only got what she gave. Interestingly enough, her death was not petitioned for in my spell work - only that she suffer the same griefs that she had brought upon others and that she stop her evilness. In doing revenge spells from my company that is the only thing that you can ask for - that the person you wish to curse get what they gave - no more. No one is going to get killed or otherwise harmed from a revenge kit you purchase from me unless that is what they did to someone else. This was a very extreme case dealing with someone who had caused much harm, grief, and life-destroying acts.)
- Here is my order! I also wanted to add that I've seen MANY sites and yours is incredibly informative. Actually, I had a check made out to purchase something from another site but yours was so sincere and convincing I tore the check and order form up!! Your site inspired confidence.
- I am not doing any spell work at the moment but couldn't stand to be without
your lovely products. Just wanted to let you know my order arrived safely and I am grooving. Love the stuff!!! Wrapped so professionally and the highest grade of quality I can see you put a lot of love into your work. Just wanted to say Thanks for all of your time and trouble.
- Just a brief note to let you know of the progress with the Jane-John situation. John has given up all negative influences , and when I say all , I mean all negative influences right down to smoking because he told his uncle that Jane didn't want him to smoke. She has agreed to make him a part of her life right now and has been spending time with him . For
instance , today he gave her a dozen roses and a beautiful card that basically sounded as though he had written it himself . He says he isn't giving up on her and the only goal he has right now is winning her back. She says to give her some time that it will happen and that she does love him. However, their is a suitor at this time and he is in the way. She has
told her Dad and I that she doesn't love this person and I think she feels sorry for him and doesn't want to hurt him. Tomorrow is the 9th day of the Leave My Man Alone spell, and I can honestly say that I'm totally pleased with the results at this point.
- I can not thank you enough for your unconditional help, and support with everything. Now that things are headed this way, I know when they do break up, she will be trying to get me back. Now, I have to decide what I am going to do. I just unconditionally appreciate everything soooo very much! I really thankyou from the bottom of my heart, and I
thank the Lois, for helping things end up the way they are going. I was beginning to give up all hope, but amazingly though, things just turned around, and finally for the better for me. I just have never been more happy,
- All I want to say is thanks. Your help has been a life saving thing for me. Love you!
- I'd like to give you an anonymous testimonial...I used 'leave my man alone' twice. The first time I could't finish it in the nine days, so I bought another and started it as fast as I could. On the ninth day, literally, before I had even done my spellwork for the day, a friend finally 'had enough' and told my SO's new girlfriend about me and ou rrelationship, things the other woman had not known and was not happy to hear. I went home and did my last day's work with as much intensity as I could, I felt like I was thanking the Lois for things they had just
granted me. By the time I finished out the spell, my SO called to cry on my shoulder and told me it was over between the two of them. I used the 'make you love me' kit then to strengthen
our relationship... we had been together awhile but he had not yet been able to tell me he loved me. It's hard not to be impatient in this day and age, with 'convenience' this and 'instant' that, so even though not that much time had passed, after four weeks I figured that I should just take comfort in his renewed attentions to me. Instead, about five weeks after doing the spell, he finally took me in his arms and after much talking and confiding told me he loved me! We have only gotten closer since then. I totally credit Reverend Kaye's products for these events! My caseworkers and Maurice have always been supportive, and I am extremely happy with all the help I have gotten from these people. Thank you thank you!
- Thanks alot. I've used your spell kits several times. Ooh how they work great! You're personal service is above and beyond. Now it's time for me to get that knot tied. Love to you all.
- I followed your recommendations and ordered Leave My Man Alone and Make You Love Me Dual castings. I really enjoyed casting the spells and I was extremely impressed with Reverend Kaye's report because it was so true.
- I truly believe in all your products and have much faith in them, they are true to the point and think they are all wonderful. Thank you for your time.
- Just wanted write and say thank you to Mambo Sam and the Spellmaker Family! Back in April I had some spellwork done, The LMMA, LMA, and NOBM, anyway I was a little nervous, and anxious to see the spellwork work! Some things do take time, and than in other cases like mine, the spellwork started working quick, right after they were all completed! I had wanted this man so much and loved him, but sometimes spellwork can bring you the person you love, or someone better! Well I'm writing to tell you that the spellwork brought me someone much more better! And I am amazed at the results! Sometimes you just have to be patient, and let the spellwork take its course! That's one thing I learned! And even tho we might feel like the person we had the spellwork done on is right for us, the spirits might have something different in store for us! I am gonna have more spellwork done, and I will be writing again to let you guys know how things turned out! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
- I had been in an abusive relationship since the early 90's. I was also from the crotch of the bible belt. I was told to "pray more, fast more, submit more". Once my eyes were opened to what was really happening to myself and my children I knew it was time to do something. My aunt told me I needed to get him "hoodoo'd". I started doing research online, and found (then) Rev Sam and ordered dual casting of spells. I had to be very careful working the spell and keeping it hidden. Let me put this here and now....******I was also doing practical things to work my way out of this relationship.***** My children and I were in counseling through a local domestic violence shelter, we had an escape plan worked out, but I honestly was lacking the courage to leave and I was filled with fear of losing my community, my family and my home. He was a volatile ex Army Ranger, and though he was from else where the community fell in love with him.
I had hoped to make HIM leave and be able to raise my children where I had been raised. I was SO nervous working the spell because I was a good Christian girl. My Daddy had been a Baptist preacher. But it felt so natural to do what I was doing, and later I found out why.
Not very long after the spell was completed Rev Sam contacted me with her insights. She couldn't seem to get into my abusers head. He was shut off and shut down. I continued doing cleanings of the house, and praying. Then something long buried came to light. Out of the blue my four year old daughter told me she wanted her Daddy to go away, and told me in detail why. We now estimated through therapy that it had been at least two years. That was the point I was DONE. NOTHING could make me stay. NO amount of fear. I contacted Rev Sam, and not long after received a card from her in the mail. The contents of the card I will keep private, but knowing she cared, and knowing that she understood and supported me was invaluable.
I'd like to tell you that he left and went back to the "Yankee lands from whence he came", but he did not. *I* left. I went 3,000 miles with only a bit of money in my pockets and two little ones in tow. When a sheriff's deputy came to me off duty and advised that we leave, we did.
The spell I ordered didn't work as I hoped, but it WORKED. His ass has stayed put in the same home, in the same community. I found out how strong I really am, and who my real friends were back there in Smalltown, USA. He has never tried to find us, and the support I received gave me courage through the legal process that gave me full custody of my children. Even when my stepson tried to locate us after my son's 18th birthday, he was unable to confirm where we actually are.
Spellmaker gave me a new lease on life. I was able to become ME. Fully. Even when times were tough, I could feel how safe we were. I was able to reclaim my spirituality as well. I still have my mojo bag. I still work it almost 13 years later. My gratitude is tremendous, and over the years I have directed around 100 people from all over America to Spellmaker.
Thank you SO much.
- I wish that I didn't have to remain private in my identity because I really want to just tell everyone about your spell work and your products. But my living situation and my very christian family would flip out if they knew. But to anyone reading this I strongly hope that you will use these products and castings. I have been so well treated and my caseworker is Sierra and she is the best. I always feel like I can ask her anything and she still puts up with me. Thank you Sierra and thank you Mambo Sam and Parran. You are just the best people.
- A lot of trouble came to me with my ex and his horrible family. I don't think I will ever know why they all decided to hate me but they did. Two spell castings later (i used the go away man and go away woman spell castings) and one set of brown female candles and the whole family has moved to another state!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just so happy.
- Thank you for your advice and support. Mambo you have saved me so many times over the years.
- I just want to say Mambo Sam is just great. I've had 3 readings with her and enjoyed every one of them. She is very insightful and very honest about what she feels about the situation. That is very great. another thing is she doesnt push products on you. she makes recommendations and is always honest when she feels further work isnt needed. you know she really cares about you and your situation. i wish i could talk to her more often, but i understand everyone probably feels the same. i will highly recommend having a reading with her if you can. She is reassuring and absolutely great to talk to. I absoutely love her.
Thank you Mambo Sam for everything. I can't wait to talk to you again.
- Mambo, thank you so much for starting up the free classes. I have been waiting many years for an opportunity to learn and I thank you so much for bringing it to me. Your teaching is amazing and fun and informative. Thank you for your many kindnesses and thank you for the time you devote to us.
- My first reading was in January of this year and I must saying it was very comforting and informative. I actually review each of the reading transcript regularly because they are so soothing and remind me of what I need to work on with my case. I have had a long road toward my goal with spellwork. There has been so much insight from my four readings that talk about my heart's desire RS. Mambo is fantastic in telling what I need to know from the connection with the lwa and what they suggest. I love the thirty minutes though it goes by so quickly. In that thirty minutes Mambo Sam takes you through the questions in details that helped me to go on each day.
I recommend these types of readings because she is a true conduit to the other world. She reminds me of a very gentle soul that is right there by your side. Take heed to what she gives as guidance. If you have questions ask because she has steered me right when I ask for clarification.
Love you for life Mambo!
- I don't even know how you guys do it but thank you for just being here. I love the way no one talks down to me when I have questions. I have a learning disability and I usually drive people crazy with all
my questions. Thank you for your patience and wonderful products. I cannot be without my Lucky Lee potion. It is my everyday perfume. ;)
- PLEASE NOTE: We held a contest awhile back to see who could write the best testimonial for us! :-) This was the young lady's winning entry:
I could certainly go on and on forever about why I am a spellmaker client. I would never hesitate to recommend these amazing products and services to anyone who I believe would embrace them and was in need of them. The first reason is that I learned through my own spellcasting process that the art of voodoo ( done in the spellmaker way) is truly, above all, a labor of love... love for others (many of whom will never meet in person), love for the sacred Lwa, and love for self. I have been a spellmaker client for a long time. i am currently involved in a love case...but the story doesn't begin there, so I hope you will allow me to back up a little. Several years ago I was doing spellmaker work on my very same HD. I didn't understand alot of things back then...I knew I loved this person and i felt voodoo could help me, but i was blind to the fact that I was sorely in need of healing myself, and unaware of the fact that life would, in fact, begin the process for me. I gave up on the HD work quickly the first time around...I was angry and had been a long road withi him. I shrouded myself in a cloak of bitterness, convinced that the magic had failed, and I had failed. Shortly following my discontiunuence of the work I lost my beloved grandmother Nan and my dear, dear father. I was exhaused, hopeless and badly wounded. I felt like I had been life, and by the Lwa. But the Lwa had plans to show me otherwise. In the midst of grieving I lost my job of 12 years when the facility I worked at closed down. I had been unhappy in the job for a long time; and it was then I finally understood that the force at work in my life was not really was ressurection.( Big shout out to the Baron xo) After cleaning out the remnants left to me by loss of loved ones, and coming to terms with unemployment, I ordered a White Bath. I have said it before and I will say it againthat those baths are phenomenally life changing. I went to bed that night last August hoping that I would wake up feeling at least a little less broken. I dreamt of many things....but most profoundly the realization that I should forgive my former HD. I was puzzled, but the feeling was so strong that I did just that...I contactd him and made my apology, which brings me to my current situation. Because through that I began to realize not just that I loved him still, but also just how much healing I needed. And to a headstrong, defiant proud girl like myself, thats quite a tough lesson to accept. This has been a long case... and through it I have established real, wonderful working relationships with not only my own Met Tet, but with many of the Lwa. They patiently waited, one by one, until their lessons were needed by me. I know that not every client will feel compelled to begin serving the Lwa, but for me, it has brought me healing, strength, compassion, and the understanding that I am never alone...I never have been, even in my darkest moments. While setting up a service, it occurred to me just how much I love the act of performing it, and how valuable the love and guidance of those spirits is to me. But it is not something I could do if I did not love it...because for me, service is something I strive to do as well as I possibly can. I want to make the Lwa happy because I adore them..and becasue they loved me, even when I did not care for myself. Making service also gave me a huge appreciation for the spellmaker staff...Mambo and Parran, and my dear Sister Bridget, who has been my caseworker, my cheerleader, my counsellor, and my friend. I can only say that what you do in the spellmaker family is the definition of love one another. I have been to almost every beautiful online ritual this year, and what I see and hear is compassion, selfless work and prayer, and dedication to each other, clients, and the Lwa. I can only draw from the spellwork that I have personally done-but I can say that though it is a beautiful spiritual experience, it is also alot of work. Knowing just how much goes into spellwork, not to mention reading or caseworking, is the only testament I will ever need to the dedication and character of the spellmaker family. And it all starts from the top, becasue Mambo is at once witty, smart, charming...and endearingly human. In the literature on the spellmaker website, Mambo's words are this " the mysteries of true magic are many. " How true that is, but if I may be so bold I would like to say what I know was the wisdom of the Lwa on the fateful summer bath night... " The only way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."-Mahatma Ghandi. And that's why I am a spellmaker client! :)
- I have been a spellmaker client for many years. Initially I purchased from this site because of all of the detailed information Mambo Sam had on her website explaining the casting process. I never knew about this culture before my first casting experience and I enjoyed carrying out these castings every step of the way. The caring support and guidance I received from Mambo Sam and her staff could be compared to reaching out to your big sister for advice. I felt comfortable and guided the entire time. Mambo Sam is the only person I have ever dealt with that stands behind her work. I took an utterly hopeless love situation and within 1 year of completing my castings, I was engaged, married and pregnant....all within 1 year! After participating in the free online rituals, I have come to understand how peaceful and uplifting this time has become to help others and send loving support in their time of need. I have since purchased a few solo castings since i don't have the room or time to do myself. Mambo Sam has never let me down. Everything that i have wrote down to happen, has come to pass. I consider this truly gifted woman and her knowledgeable staff a supportive friend when you need someone who is non judgemental, patient and always ready to help you when you are ready to help yourself. Over the years, I have become a true believer in this faith. I highly recommend Mambo Sam, her gifted work and supportive nature. These qualities stand her above all others and all I can say is thank you for changing my life.
- My experiences thus far with spellmaker have only been good and have improved my life and the various situations I have needed help with. Thank you for all of your help so far....I say "so far" because I know my time as a client with you isn't over. I don't think it ever will be....thank you for all of your help and the introduction to the Iwa. I wouldn't be this close to where I want to be with Fred and work and everything else if it weren't for your help.
- I am a client for several reasons, 1) the services are beyond generous and the standards of product , care ,and consistency are stellar 2) The product is quality, affordable , and beautiful.3) The product delivers and the Lwa deliver 4) The presentation really allows you to navigate from simple spell casting all the way through the practice of voodoo if you choose that path.There is never any pressure to do or believe anything,This is really a go where you are led company that will support your needs.,so you never have to go or feel alone or afraid to do spellwork 5) There are never ,ever and sleazy or creepy tactics, no trickery, no cons, no false promises. 6) This company takes the guess out of guess work.... there are so many resources,so much guidance, so many free services , you never have to fear investing in a product that may not fit your needs. I have had caseworkers advise against a high priced item because what I really needed was something else......This company puts the P in private , the T in trust , and the R in R real.
- I don't feel like a client, I feel like family. THAT is what makes this company special.
- No one is more surprised than me that this actually worked.
- Mambo you always make me feel like I am the only client you have. When I make my millions I will be your only client and have you all to myself. :)
- I am struck by how personal the readings are---like talking with a friend who already knows you very well. Mambo Sam is naturally warm and full of humor, yet one really knows that she feels your hurt and has the power to guide you back to your own power. Her intuition is very strong and the magic is real. The Lwa want to help us and you may rest assured that your requests will be answered, perhaps in ways you don't expect, but you will be heard. I can't say enough about the love and compassion and care--Example: I wanted to revisit my case and assumed that after over a year they wouldn't have kept my samples, but they were still there with them. When I asked for my intention to be included in a ritual, Mambo Sam said she had already included it. I recommend speaking with her--it's a much more personal experience than say, simply drawing cards and reading their interpretation. Comfort, peace and confidence just flooded my being. Practical, specific direction and advice. And they will talk you out of spending a lot of money if she doesn't think it is necessary--how often do you see that happen?! As you can see, I love this family--and feel part of it now, too, although I'm in a different state and have never met any of them personally. That doesn't seem to matter one bit!
- I did a reading on my love situation, it was informative and it certainly help in understanding what is going on. Now I know my HD also likes me and I can take further actions without jeopardizing the situation at hand. I am very glad that you did provide a remedy, I feel assured when you are doing the remedy action for me.
- It is very difficult to sum up my feelings for Mambo in this testimonial/feedback, but I am going to do my best!
My first communication with Mambo Sam was on 1/2/11 via an email she responded to my 911 reading request. I was not a SM client at the time and had previously used another company's spell kits on my HD. I believe in Vodou but I have had hard time spill my inner feelings to stranger... until Mambo Sam!! Mambo Sam stopped being a stranger to me from that first email on... I would call myself a pretty intuitive person and I can tell you, without a shadow of doubt, that Mambo Sam's care and affection for her clients are truly genuine and whenever she said "I love you, Sweetie" I know it's from her heart!! This is the Mambo Sam I know as a person, and as my friend.
In these past almost 7 months, I scheduled reading with Mambo at least once a month and each reading I walked away with amazing insights and clarity for my situation with my HD. Mambo never pretended that she knows everything - when situation baffled her, she made sure to seek additional guidance from the lwa in order to find the appropriate course of action to deal with the issue. Whenever Mambo received a guidance she couldn't fully understand, she never once hesitated to share with me, because some of the guidance may be really personal to me, and not to Mambo. In my last reading, Papa Legba sent Mambo a message to me and Mambo said "I am not really sure what he's trying to tell you...". However, the guidance from Papa made such perfect sense and was so personal to me that it made me cried... It was something intimate that I used to do for my HD (no dirty minds's nothing sexual) and I had never mentioned to Mambo. When I told Mambo the story, we were both speechless!!
Mambo would be the first person to tell her clients to take a break from the adjunct work and to take care of yourself a bit before starting up again, and if she doesn't see the need for a client to use certain products, she'll surely tell you not to purchase them. When Parran said that Mambo thinks about her clients day and night, that statement is really true!! I've received texts from Mambo out of the blue, just because she received guidance about me and wanted to let me know right away...
Mambo Sam don't often give time-lines. However, if she ever give you one, pay special attention to it. It may not happen the way YOU expected it, but directly or indirectly, something happens around the time.
I can sit here type on and on about how wonderful, affectionate, loving and caring of the person Mambo is, and I can also go on and on about how clear, concise and spot on Mambo's reading is, you can't fully comprehend it until you experience it yourself! This is the Mambo Sam I know as my friend, my spiritual guide and mentor.
- I have had many readings with Mambo over the years regarding my HD as well as career advice. Mambo is kind, caring and straight forward which I greatly appreciate! There have been many times when I have been confused about situations in my life, and I always go to the staff of Spellmaker to help me. Even though sometimes the information I get doesn't make sense to me, which is because human nature is confusing, I always feel better and have much more clarity on things after I speak with Mambo. I never doubt that Mambo ALWAYS has her clients best interest at heart. Mambo has gone above and beyond for me many times, and even if I don't continue my journey with spellwork, I have no doubt that just knowing Mambo and starting the journey with Spellmaker has enriched my life in many ways, some in which I probably don't even know yet.
- There was a time in my life that I was hopeless and afraid to even try love again. Mambo and Berkeley were my lifesavers and I can never forget that. It is hard to trust with all the scammers out there, but
I have never felt safer with people than I have with Spellmaker. Literally everyone knows your name. It's comforting.
- I wanted to sit down and write something profound about Mambo Sam, Parran Matt, Sister Bridget, and all of Spellmaker. I realized though that it didn't need to be profound, just from the heart. I love these people.
They have been there for me for over 12 years. Interestingly enough, I haven't spent a lot of money here (maybe I should rememdy that). I have had a few readings, done a few spells. Everything worked for me and all that I came for I received.
But that isn't what made things special for me. What made things special for me was that I gained friends in this incredible staff. Any time I reach out, someone responds. And they aren't just responding to sell me something. When my brother died, as soon as
Mambo Sam learned of it I received a phone call from her. We probably hadn't talked in almost a year and yet my phone rang with her wanting to know what she could do for me. Sometimes it isn't about what you got materially or what worked or what didn't, sometimes it is just about how you are treated. I
truly feel like family here.
- There isn't much of anything that is better than opening up your package from Spellmaker!!! The smell of everything is amazing and comforting. Knowing that real hands of real people that I have gotten to know made and packed up my products is worth everything.
- Dear Mambo, I got everything and more. Thank you for taking me through the times where I didn't believe, was negative, and made my and your life a living hell. You are the most patient person I believe walking this planet. How you see the good in everyone is pretty crazy, but lucky for me. Other practitioners had already written
me off and branded me crazy. You picked up those pieces and taught me why I wasn't crazy. When you did that and my belief system came into place, all of your products worked for me every single one of them. Products are just products. But for real YOU are the product that makes this all work. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and
I am just so grateful to you.
- Faith is customer service is a saint.
- The day I get to meet you guys and thank you in person will be such a happy day for me. One day when I visit the States I will be able to buy you all dinner and tell you thank you for changing my life. I cannot believe how everything fell into place for me. I will be married soon and our first child is already on the way. This is coming from what
I thought was the worst kind of horrible break up. But you made it right. Life is goood and I thank you so much. I love you.
- Mambo Sam, your kindness and generosity have overwhelmed me on more than one occasion. It makes me sad that people have chosen to write shitty things about you on the internet. If anyone would take one minute to get to know you, they wouldn't believe any of that stuff written by bitter uncouth people. Shame on them. I want everyone who reads
this to know how you saved me, saved my marriage and made sure me and my little girl have our husband and father and that none of that would have been possible without you. I am ashamed to mention that you were so kind to me and allowed me product and castings without having to pay for everything at once and I still haven't paid it all.
But I know you know I will. Generosity and kindness are less and less in this world. Thank you for being there.
- Dear Spellmaker peeps, just another note to say thank you. I appreciate you publishing my prior review but I wanted to update you on the continued success I have had using your products. You already
know that I married my HD and we have two children now. I went back to school and wanted to let you know that I had great success with the Lotsa luck casting and the study charm. I am graduating in May
and you can believe that I will have that charm in my pocket. I was never a believer in anything spiritual before I met you a lot of years ago. That has changed and now this is what I do when I need
that extra boost for something in my life. Thank you and know that you are all doing good work. People are always going to forget to thank you but I know that in their hearts they love you all.
- I cannot even express how much respect I have for what you do, how you do it, and the service you have given me over the last several months. It has meant the world to me due to the horrible
circumstances I found myself in. It was embarrassing and humiliating to approach for help because of these circumstances but I was always made to feel welcome and never judged. Thank you for your help.
I am so glad I found you.
To my future clients: I hope that you have enjoyed reading these testimonials and are as inspired by them as I am! I have been in business on the Web since 1995 with many, many satisfied customers. No, not everything works for everybody...that would be impossible (and you should never believe anyone who tells you that it IS possible), but we do have a very high percentage rate of satisfied clients. For honest, detailed information concerning how spells really work, why they work, and why they sometimes don't work, please see the question and answer list by CLICKING HERE!
- The ultimate testimonial! If you want to read what might be the most compelling testimonial a company has ever had, a client actually wrote a book about her experience with us!
Check out Marie Bradley's book Voodoo or Voodon't!
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