Need a free consultation to discuss your love spell (or other) case? Please email us by clicking here to send email!

Thank you for taking the time to read The Voodoo Boutique (Spellmaker) question and answer page. We hope that you will find most of the answers you need here. If you feel that you need our immediate assistance with your product choices, please CLICK HERE. This will bring you to a form that will give you an automated response to your needs.

If your need is not immediate, please email us by CLICKING HERE. You will be assigned a FREE confidential caseworker to assist you in product choices and getting questions answered. Please allow 48 hours Monday-Friday to hear back from your personal caseworker.

There are lots of myths, lies, fables, and stories about magick and voodoo. This has lead to misconceptions and fears about what goes on within the magickal world. Movies and television have perpetuated these misconceptions! I have tried to address here some of the most commonly expressed questions and fears. I have spent a lifetime experiencing and studying these answers are the truth as I have lived it.
Rev. Samantha Corfield (formerly Samantha Kaye - Matt and I were married November 18, 2005!)

Please click on any question below:

Please note that "Voodoo" refers to the religion of Vodou (an Haitian term), however this is not Haitian Vodou, but New Orleans (American/Southern U.S.) Voodoo. The basic tenets of the religious beliefs are the same and are practiced similarly, but New Orleans Voodoo is different mainly in its strong beliefs in the magickal aspects of Voodoo, hence the focus of this website.

Most people order online using our secure shopping cart with a credit or debit card. To do this, just use the "add to cart" button for each item or service you wish to purchase. Then when you are ready, there are buttons on each page to check out. The process is pretty simple, very safe and secure as we use the latest in security protocols to keep our clients safe.

However, if you prefer, you can Click here to Request a Phone Call from Us!
(Someone will return your call and consult with you personally on your spell casting needs and take your order.) You can also contact us on Facebook Messenger.

Y Return to list of questions.

ANSWER: After your order, you will receive an order confirmation from us at the email address you used on your order. Please be sure that you give us a proper email address because your order confirmation will go there and it has your receipt of purchase as well as other important information. If you ordered products, we start preparing your order. Everything is made here, in house, by us for you. We aren't a superstore or warehouse. We are real people making products and putting your order together. We are still very much a "mom and pop" business. :-) If you ordered services, please see your order confirmation on what to do next, depending on what service you ordered.

After your order is completed by us, it is then shipped to you. We will always send you notification that your order has been shipped and we will provide you with a tracking number so that you may keep track of when your order is going to get to you. We ship via the US Mail, all over the world.

Additionally, we have customer service, tech support, and free confidential caseworkers to help you along the way as you need it. Customer care is very important to us and we rely on you to let us know how we are doing!

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All spell work is done by me,
Mambo Samantha Corfield. I am initiated as a Mambo Asogwe in the Haitian Tradition, was brought up as an Oracle in the New Orleans Voodoo tradition, as well as having several other systems of training. You can read all about me on my page. :-) My husband, Parran Matt, initiated in the New Orleans tradition, does the candle magick work with me. We are a great team!

Return to list of questions.

Don't worry, we have many avenues of help for you to decide what is best for your situation!

1. You can click here for a form you can fill out about your situation and get an immediate automated response. This will be followed up in about 24 hours with an email from a caseworker to see if you have any questions.

2. We have an extensive Self Help section that covers many different situations. Just click here.

3. You can fill out this form and request for someone to call you. (This usually takes 24 hours, Monday-Friday.)

4. You can send us a message on Facebook Messenger and ask us!

5. You can write directly to and explain your situation and a caseworker will get back to you within 24 hours.

6. On the bottom left of most of our pages (including this one!), there is an icon to text or Whatsapp us.

We've tried to provide many ways for you to get help making your product choices. We are always happy to help!

Return to list of questions.

Yes, Voodoo (referred to herein interchangeably as "Voodoo" or "Vodou) is real. It is a religion. It has been practiced as a religion in Haiti for hundreds of years, and was brought to the United States (unfortunately) via slave trade. My particular practice is New Orleans Voodoo. Although we as a family do practice it a religion, this website concentrates on the more Americanized (magickal) purposes of Voodoo. Voodoo, and really all magick, works on the principals of harnassing the forces of nature to work for you. Unfortunately, movies and television have romanticized Voodoo and other magick to the point that the general populace believes that they are going to be "hypnotizing" someone into, for instance, loving them, that they will be their "love slaves", that you are forcing or manipulating,etc., etc. But, really that isn't true at all. One of the major premises of how this (as far as love magick is concerned) works is that it enhances feelings that are already there OR allows the person's mind to be filled with thoughts of you, thereby allowing you a chance to let them see that YOU love them and, therefore, opening up channels of feelings between the two of you. It doesn't "trick" the person into loving you, it allows them to see the truth - that you have a true and honest love for them, and that is what they respond to. Love spell work depends on the main premise that you believe we all have a higher self, soul, or cosmic consciousness (whatever you like to call it!) and that we can contact that higher, perfect, and more reasonable self. Spell work allows your higher self to contact the higher self of the person you would like to have the relationship with. This contact is made through a series of magickal ingredients coupled with the proper ritual (which is included in the spell kits), and with the help, assistance, and blessings of our Lois (pronounced "lwa" (Voodoo spirits most easily compared to Catholic Saints). The proper way to call on our Lois and pertinent information about our Lois is within the spell kits, as well. Through the use of these proper rituals and ingredients, you are given the ability to help things manifest naturally. There is no FORCING of reality, you cannot MAKE someone love you (and even though we have a spell kit with the name Make You Love Me&tm;, that is just because the titles are based on Old New Orleans Voodoo names that were in my family for generations). You can give honest love and except the same in return.

The principal is the same, though the technique will be different in other types of spells such as money, power, revenge, etc.

As far as how well spells work, just generally speaking I can say this: My clients have very good results with my products. Statistically speaking, we are at about 87%-90% of our clients getting exactly what they came to us for (or something even better), and the rest getting either mixed results or no results. Sometimes a mixed result means that you may need to do more work on your situation. Unfortunately, no one can or should guarantee a 100% that you will get what you wanted from any type of magickal work. It is impossible to offer that type of guarantee and be honest!! Our Lois (Voodoo spirits) are NOT going to bring something to you that is bad for you, will harm you in the long run, etc. - no matter how badly you think you want it. Therefore, I would warn you against anyone who pretends to guarantee that you will get what you want with a 100% guarantee --they are probably using a dangerous manipulative type magick and should be steered clear of! OR they are just trying to rip you off and you will never see your money again! My point is simply that we don't offer phony guarantees; we offer a true product, genuine people to help you, and authentic magick. I have personal beliefs that Voodoo works because I have grown up with this thing and have seen it work over and over for myself, my family, my clients, etc. BUT, I have also seen it NOT comparison would be prayers, sometimes they get answered, sometimes they don't! But, this is a little different in that when this (magick, voodoo, etc.) doesn't work, it usually is for one of several reasons:

  1. It wasn't supposed to (it wasn't good for you, even though you thought so). Yes, sometimes this is very hard to accept...and it often sounds like the worst possible answer. Truth is, it is often the only answer. Some things are simply not supposed to be and to try to force it to be is dangerous. Our type of magick is neither manipulative nor dangerous. Our magick is to help repair damage, remove obstacles standing in the way of something you are supposed to have, bring luck, bring appropriate love to you, etc. No way am I EVER going to sell you something that will bring harm to you, no matter how badly you want that thing.
  2. There was something you didn't know about the person upon whom you were trying to work the spell (for instance, I have a client who tried two love spells to get her husband to return to her; one was even a deluxe spell kit, the most powerful I could craft, but nothing, he wouldn't return. He wasn't seeing another woman, so she couldn't figure it out. Well, it turned out that he had been a closet homosexual for years and couldn't face her with that, so ended the marriage...well, no amount of magick was going to turn him into a heterosexual male, so in that case, it didn't work because there was something that we didn't know.).
  3. The person trying to work the spell didn't follow the instructions, or changed something within the spell (for example, a client wondered why her spell didn't work and wrote me a letter...we went over it and found out that she had decided to change some of the steps because they were inconvenient, and that she had skipped days in the ritual because of work). It really is imperative that the steps be followed as exactly as possible (though we do have many alternatives to steps for which it may be necessary to have an alternative - and that is fine to use the alternatives).
  4. The person trying to work the spell was nervous or perhaps even "afraid" that the spell would actually work! This is common among novices and is nothing to be ashamed of. Practice makes perfect! I say try again, get another kit, or whatever you were using and do it again. People who use magick in their every day lives get used to it and their channels are open to it. This doesn't mean that a first time user can't get a great result -- you certainly can. It is just that everyone is different and so for some of us, it may take more practice.
  5. The spell has YET to work! (Don't give up too quickly!!!) It is important to remember that sometimes spells take time to work - sometimes much longer than we would like. However, sometimes it is just a matter of time. If you start off right away thinking, "my spell is not working" then you are putting out that idea! I am not saying that one should just have blind faith in anything, but do give your spells a good chance to work.
  6. I wish I had a really great answer to why magick doesn't always work. But if you look at the world more closely, you will see that this is true of a lot of things: Medicine doesn't always work, lawyers don't always win, our most brilliant scientific minds fail. In my heart of hearts, I believe that most often spell work doesn't work because it was not supposed to. Take heart, though, over these last many, many years, I have heard back from thousands of people who said the spell worked, just not in the way they expected it to. But they knew the amazing results were from the spell work. I'm not going to try to b.s. you with fancy talk - all we can do is try our best with magick and hope we are in the larger percentage of those who DO get what they want.
  7. As I mentioned above, sometimes it hasn't worked yet! Here is a blog post I wrote about this some time ago:

    Hello, everyone!

    So, why IS your case so different?  I get asked this question every now and again! Usually it because the case is taking a long time, or we have had to do a combination of things, or because we, frankly, aren't seeing any results.  People read testimonials of other clients and wonder why they aren't seeing those kinds of results for themselves!

    A very dear and sweet client has just recently asked me the very same thing!  Why, out of thousands of cases over the last 20 years of Spellmaker, is hers so different that we aren't really seeing any results?

    My first answer to that is often, "...yet."  :-)  One of the first answers is time - as much as I would love to force everyone to immediately respond to my spell work, I know why that is a very bad idea.  Hollywood will explain to you why forcing spell work is a bad idea.  Of course, they will give you a highly-dramatized reason as to why, but you get the idea.  Forcing with spell work=nothing good for you!  So sometimes the answer is just time... it isn't that you aren't going to see results, we just haven't seen them yet.

    Second, and this is a hard one, I see more and more that people are dealing with various mental and emotional disorders.  This is very different than about 12 years ago; I am not sure why.  But, I see it a lot more now than I did in the past.  Is it diet? Food? Vitamin deficiencies?  Chemicals? Media stimuli? Pollution?  Heck if I know, but know I see many, many more people who are being worked on with spell work coming up with various disorders.  Sometimes my client is able to tell me that, yes, they know the person has something and is being treated.  But a lot of times they don't know.  Long story short:  It is sometimes difficult to get spell work results with someone who is dealing with a psychological disorder of some kind.  Now, I am saying difficult, NOT impossible.  It is just that I am finding more and more that it makes it a much longer and difficult haul!  However, the rewards of getting success in these cases are immense!  Often it means that we have done healing work that focused on the person getting the help they needed and that is exactly what happened!  Once the proper help was in place, voil , we saw our results!

    I think this second one is one of the most difficult ones simply because there is such a process between feeling like someone doesn't love you and realizing that it is more that they have a disorder. It is hard for us to process that information objectively because we are feeling hurt, abandoned, and, often, angry.  Then, I will come along and tell you to "play nice" because spell work is in play!  I know!  Frustrating!  But, rest assured, even though sometimes it takes a lot of hard work and time, we do get results despite peoples' disorders. Not always!  But, yes, sometime we do!

    Third, your case is complicated by multiple people, places, and things!  I find this is a rather new development as well.  I feel that as we are more and more bombarded with media, stimuli, opinions, Fox News(!), and such, the harder it is to get someone to focus on us the way we want them to!  This is a 21st century challenge to spell work!  And, again, I feel like it slows spell work results down to a crawl sometimes!  We are jumping up and down with candles and incense screaming, "Hey, look over here... someone loves you!"  This rather new challenge to spell work also adds another layer to why your case is so different, though it is becoming more the norm than a case being different!

    Fourth, and as always, there is the sad truth that sometimes things just don't work out.  It isn't your fault.  It isn't our fault.  It isn't, in fact, anyone's "fault."  There are times in life when so-called failures are our destiny.  Even with our best efforts and yours, failure IS an option.  Believe me, I am all about positive thinking and believing in one's self and efforts.  But the cold hard truth is failure is always an option.  But in those cases, I often do not see it as failure.  We learned something along the way.  We grew. We became friends.  We walk away knowing that we tried our very best. Those are the things no one can take away from us.  While that may seem like hollow comfort, believe me, when you look back, even if we supposedly "failed" you will see that the path of good spell work always has a reward. 

    Still despite the idea of failure, we still have about an 87-90% success rate!  And that's an honest assessment (not one of those stupid, " we have 100% success rate" deals - believe me, no one has a 100% success rate!).  

    If you are in the category of waiting for results and feeling disheartened,  I would be willing to bet that unless you are in a very small percentage of folks, you just haven't seen your results....yet!

    Love, peace, and joy,

    Mambo Sam

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    Some products cannot be returned for health and safety reasons, such as anything that is opened like a bath, potion, oils, etc. We simply cannot take back those sorts of things. If you have an unopened product that you would like to return, we ask that you please contact us at for a Return Authorization Number. We give store credit back on products that are unopened and are returned in good condition. Customer service will give you complete instructions on how to do your return!

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    While it is normal to feel nervous about trying new things, there is absolutely no reason to feel foolish, stupid, or crazy for wanting to try this. Voodoo is one of the oldest, most beautiful religions in the world. It doesn't ask you to do anything against your own religion. It doesn't require any experience. And it has a good track record of actually working where other things have failed. Most people wouldn't feel foolish going to church and lighting a candle and saying a prayer for something. Or walking around going, "Oh, God, please help me with this." Or saying nightly prayers. Etc., etc., etc. This isn't much different; just more structured and sometimes more effective! The best thing you can do is forget everything you ever saw in a movie or read in a fictionalized account of Voodoo. Approach this with an open mind and fresh slate. Voodoo is just another path to God, Cosmic Consciousness, beauty of life, love, and happiness. And there is no right or wrong path for those things!

    Return to list of questions.

    Yes, I am a real person and I have developed and crafted all of the products on this website myself. My name is Samantha Corfield (formerly Samantha Kaye - Matt and I were married in November, 2005 - Bon Mambo Feraye de la Kwa Daginen is my Mambo Asoqwe name in Haitian Vodou). This business is owned by myself and my husband, Matthew Corfield. I was blessed enough to be born and raised in New Orleans into a family that practiced Voodoo. I have been practicing Voodoo and studying for over 30 years. I developed these products so that beginners or experienced practitioners could use them. Everything in my kits is authentic, and so am I! If you care to read about me, please
    click here! I believe it is a little bit difficult to get to know someone on the Internet. Therefore, I am on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram if you would like to get to know me better. My personal life is pretty much out there for anyone to see. Other than my amazing job as a voodoo priestess, I am pretty much like everyone else - family, friends, getting dinner ready. :-) If you are interested, I am happy to share that with you!

    My Facebook page is here! My Instagram is here!

    And if you want to see me/hear me, you can check out some Spellmaker videos on YouTube!
    YouTube icon

    I really do encourage you to get to know me. I want you to feel comfortable in working with me and for us not to feel like strangers if at all possible.

    However, as far as "proving" that Voodoo works all I can say is I personally have proof that this works, I have been doing it all my life. But if you want "proof" the only thing I can tell you is to try it. I don't particularly consider it my job to "prove" anything to anybody. I can't imagine how I might "prove" it to you! I can tell you about how I make the best gumbo in the world, but you wouldn't know that until you tasted it. Magick is pretty much the same; no one can prove it to you. That is something you will have to prove to yourself. I am here to provide a product and a service for those who interested in this kind of help in their lives, or perhaps already believe in this, know it works, and want it. Many people live in small towns, etc. where they want to, but cannot purchase these kinds of items: My service is for them and for others who already have an interest in trying these kinds of things. I don't consider it my job to "convince" you of anything so you will buy from me..I am not here for that, nor would I want to be. In fact, I think you should beware of anyone who is trying to convince of you anything! I am here to provide the service for those who truly want it. If you don't want it, don't buy it! Your personal beliefs are your sacred business and I respect your beliefs, whatever they might be.

    Return to list of questions.

    Free magick can be great, or it can be awful. Of course, we all want something free. :-) But most of the time, if your situation is one that is serious, you are probably going to want something authentic and done correctly. I have seen a lot of "freebie" type spell work available is poorly written, does not cover all the proper elements of spell work, more than likely will not work, will only frustrate you, and make you believe that magick does not work. If you feel comfortable with the free spells, then by all means, you should do them! We have some
    free spells and information, too! :-) Everything we offer for free is well written and meant to help you.

    More than anything, you should feel comfortable and empowered by what you are doing! Always follow your instincts. They will very rarely lead you wrong. Return to list of questions.

    Yes, this is a legitimate business. This business was registered with the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. My business license number identification number is 02-153222-00-2, issued 07/24/90. We have been in business since 1990, on the web since 1995.

    The Voodoo Boutique™ and www.SPELLMAKER.COM area subsidiary of Sheer Goddess®. This is our name for our parent company owned by us. All charges on your credit card statement will now show up discreetly as "Sheer Goddess." There is nothing to indicate anything about voodoo on our packaging or billing! Nothing else has changed, everything else is the same as it ever was!

    Return to list of questions.

    Our products are different from most magickal products available for several reasons:
    First, all of our products are ritualistically consecrated (blessed) before they are sent to you. This means that a real person (me personally) did a short ritual with your product, imbuing it with special energies to help make it work for you. Second, we include a lot of different items within our products. For instance, we sell the most complete spell kits on the market. If you buy a $10.00 spell kit from someone, that is what you will get, a $10.00 spell kit. I am NOT knocking anyone's else's products! What I am saying is that I have put a lot of effort into putting together the proper ingredients for spells, gris-gris bags, etc. Most spell kits that you will find on the market are one-day spells. Ours include enough ingredients to complete a nine-day spell - the most efficacious spell that you can complete. Third, we offer personal follow up and help. You can write or call our office about any of my products and you will get a personal response. You can ask questions, make comments, or get whatever help you need to complete your kit or use any of our products. My goal is to raise the bar a little higher in the occult/magickal products sales world. As far as price is concerned, I have charged what I feel to be a price that is fair to both of us. Considering the amount of product included in my kits and other items, my prices are very fair. Anything I sell would cost you 1/2 to 1/3 higher in most occult shops, so really you are getting a bargain!

    Return to list of questions.

    Sorry. No. I never feel comfortable in trying to interpret someone else's vision. You definitely want to contact them.

    Return to list of questions.

    Yes, I particularly crafted these products for beginners to use, although experienced practitioners will certainly enjoy using them as well. You do not need any special "powers" to complete the spell kits. The power, energy, and blessings are put into the kit before you receive it. You do not need to memorize anything: The kits are designed to keep the instructions by your side and follow the along as you are doing the spell work. You do not need any special knowledge, training, or practice. There are complete, detailed instructions and we offer tech support via email or telephone to help you with any questions you have concerning your product usage.

    Return to list of questions.

    Yes, I do offer that service. I can cast a spell with you IN CONJUNCTION with you doing your spell kit(s). This is recommended if you feel you need the extra help in your situation. I can also cast the spell FOR you if you are unable to do so. Please
    CLICK HERE FOR FULL INFORMATION ON SPELL CASTING SERVICES. Please remember that this service is OPTIONAL - it is up to you to decide whether or not your think your case is difficult enough to need the extra help. The kits are meant to work on their own with you working them - however, sometimes a case is difficult enough to warrant extra help.

    Return to list of questions.

    No, it isn't. But, were you satisfied with that answer??! Think about what you are asking me! People write to me all the time and ask me if my website is a scam. While I fully understand and HIGHLY RECOMMEND being cautious (more on that below!), I wonder what one might expect the answer to be!? If it were a scam, would I write back and say, yes, it is??!! You are RIGHT TO BE CAUTIOUS about spiritual workers -- some of the biggest and most ruthless scam artists call themselves psychics, spiritual workers, etc., etc. These people prey on the vulnerable and broken hearted. They are the scum of the earth. I am NOT one of them. I have lots of letters that people have written to me about how they were scammed out of hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of dollars. It is my hope in the future to put up a website about how NOT to get scammed. Until then, briefly here are a few hints and tips:
    1. Don't ask the question "Is this a scam?" If it is a scam you have now warned them that you are cautious and they will work harder and slicker to con you.
    2. Ask if they have a business license and/or a Federal Tax ID number. If they aren't willing to give you their business license number for the State they live in, don't use them. (You can call and check a business license number by calling the Taxation and Revenue Department in the State that the business license was issued in. They can't tell you if there are complaints against the business, all they can tell you is that the business does have a license.) If someone has a business license, they are generally a legitimate, tax-paying business. It doesn't mean they are effective or good at what they do, but at least they probably aren't out to rip you off of thousands of dollars.
    3. NEVER use someone who insists that you use Western Union (or other wire service) to wire them cash. You can also call Western Union and check to see if they know anything about this person. Western Union is very savvy and on the look out for scams. If the person insists you wire them cash. Don't use them!
    4. NEVER buckle in to some so-called spiritual worker who THREATENS you by telling you that they are sending "evil" spirits to you or reversing the work if you don't send them more money. NO honest and credible spiritual worker would EVER, EVER tell you that. Someone who is that shady as to threaten you is full of it - they don't have the power to harm you in any way.
    5. When possible, buy products and services with your credit card. Why?
    a. Because, first of all, if a business can legitimately take credit cards, they went through an extensive background and credit check in order to get the privilege to take credit cards. If they screw you, you may have recourse through your credit card company.
    b. Anyone who went through that background check to take credit cards doesn't want to lose the privilege!
    6. Watch how much money you are spending! It should never cost thousands and thousands of dollars to accomplish something magickally. If you spend a reasonable amount of money initially, don't buy into the "I need more money because...." persuasion. True, some cases may take more work than others, but NOTHING should be constantly costing you money.
    7. Never use anyone who insists you do errands for them, bring them dinner, buy them jewelry, etc. I know it sounds ridiculous to say this, but I have several clients who got roped into just this type of thing. Needless to say, their cases weren't helped and they ended up just feeling foolish.
    8. Never use anyone just because they seem "nice" -- no one is nicer than a good con artist. FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS!! If it doesn't FEEL right to you, think twice about doing it!! Your instincts are your best weapon against getting scammed. If you are getting that little sick heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach when you talk to the person, don't use them!

    It is important to realize, however, that just because something from us didn't work for you doesn't mean you were scammed! The truth is that not everything is going to work for everyone. That doesn't mean don't try, but how on earth could it be possible for everything to work for everyone? I know there are websites that say their products "never fail" but I think that is ridiculous to say! Not all prayers are answered, not all surgeries are successful, not every court case has a favorable outcome! That is called life. However, that doesn't stop us from doing our best by trying to get a positive outcome. :-)

    Unfortunately, we have been victimized by some very slanderous and untrue posts on the Internet, especially on a site called "Ripoff Reports." I do not take the word "victimized" lightly - I think it is generally overused. However, in this case, I do feel victimized. I have written about this in detail on another page. If you would like to read it, please click here. But, I would like to just briefly say this: All I have done since the inception of this business in 1995 is try my best for our clients. I don't make false promises, I don't give out false hope, and I try to create an environment of "family" for my clients. I am not so naive' as to think that I have pleased every client every time. No one can do that! But I do know in my heart that I have tried my best for everyone. Some of the letters on "Ripoff Reports" may, indeed, be customers. But some of the letters are very outlandish and I KNOW that those are NOT true customers of mine. Anyway, I think that if you have bothered to read all of this, then you are able to make the decision to use our services or not. :-)

    It is very popular these days to hide behind the anonymity of a computer screen and say things that would never be said to anyone's face. I have repeatedly invited my so-called "unhappy clients" to talk to me personally, to let me try to fix whatever complaint they have, or see what I could do for them. I am met with silence and no one will come forward to talk to me personally. So I am left to feel that they are not really clients at all, but rather competitors who will use the Internet to make me look bad to make themselves look good. But, after doing business on the Internet for almost 30 years (we established on the Internet in 1995!), I am still here, I am still doing the job I said I would, and I feel really great about that. I suppose all I can do is urge you to get to know us through the many ways we have to do that (blogs, free prayer rituals, chats, etc.) and make your own informed decision. And that is all I ever wanted people to do in the first place! Thanks for reading this and letting me vent a little!

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    Yes, yes, and yes! We use the latest in security techniques for our website, check out process, credit card processing, and more. We take every precaution to keep your information safe and secure with us. Additionally, we absolutely guarantee your confidentiality. We never, ever use your information outside of our normal reason to use it (that which you ask us to do!). We never sell any client information. Once you are a client of ours, you confidentiality is assured.

    OUR PRIVACY POLICY:, The Voodoo Boutique™, Sheer Goddess® and all related subsidiaries do NOT collect, sell, or use your information for any reason other than the conduction of normal business. We only use your information in the way that you allow it and only when you have specifically allowed for it, such as opting in for things like our newsletters. Your information is never shared with outside parties for any reason whatsoever. Our work and the usage of our services is extremely confidential in nature. Your privacy will always be respected and protected.

    Return to list of questions.

    We have a LOT of ways to contact us! :-) If you look to the bottom left of this page, you will see a messaging icon. To the bottom right is another way to message us. All of our other different forms of contact are listed here: All the Ways to Contact Us!

    Return to list of questions.

    "Quick" spells do have a place in magick, but generally not for serious problems. We do offer
    some 3-day budget-friendly spells for situations that just need a little magickal boost or these can be be used in addition to regular spell work for extra energy! Just bear in mind that serious situations call for harder work! With our regular spell kits, we do try to make our instructions clear and easy to understand, so a beginner can use them.

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    A voodoo doll should always be used on ONE person for ONE specific purpose. You cannot use a doll on several different people NOR for several different purposes. (Although there might be levels to the "one purpose" such as in love cases. The overall purpose is love, and so all that that entails is one purpose.) To use a doll on more than one person the purpose of the doll. A doll is an effigy of the person upon whom you wish to use it.

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    The regular Creole Voodoo spell kits are used for a specific purpose for nine days. Then the spell is completed and there is nothing left in the kit to "use over." Voodoo dolls can be used over and over. Cosmic Voodoo Eggs(tm) can be used over and over. Some components to our kits are meant to be kept and used again, and this is specified in the kit instructions.

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    First of all, most of these kinds of requests are ego-driven...the user wants to do this to impress their friends or peers. I am not interested in helping anyone impress anyone else. Second, although I have printed element-controlling spells in my newsletter, it is out of respect for those who have a belief in such. I don't personally believe in efficacy of or necessity for them. I do not sell or give out spells for shooting fireballs out of the fingers, making furniture or other objects dance, changing your hair from black to blonde (see the magic of Nice 'n Easy hair coloring produtcts), changing you into a bird, dog, cat, etc., etc., because they don't really exist. This is the stuff movies are made from. This is not to say that there aren't individuals in the world with telekinetic powers (the ability to move things with their minds), etc. -- anything is possible with work and training. I do not provide this kind of service. If you want to make fireballs shoot out of your fingers, you should go to a shop that sells magic tricks.

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    If you order revenge kits from me, they have protection rituals in them. But truly, as far as I am concerned, the "rebound" effect of spells is basically the Law of Return, BUT I find that to be true in all of life, not just magick, basically you can get what you give. The exception to that is that you are actually giving that person what S/HE gave, so really that is where the rebound is, it is back at that person who hurt you. As long as you are justified (i.e., you have been hurt in your heart -- not just your pride or your ego, although those are important things as well) in your spell casting for revenge, you will be protected from rebound because you are just sending back what you got from them.

    You will have no karmic backlash for anything you do with honesty. The Law of Return doesn't work that way -- YOU will be THEIR karmic backlash - you see, that is how it really works (though the movies never portray it that way). We are all instruments of the karmic backlash and that is how it works. When you have been actually wronged, that person is inviting you to inflict the punishment on them that they deserve (although, of course, they don't know that - but that is the path they have predestined for themselves, but their conscious mind is not aware of it). If you do not act, then the "karma" is not fulfilled and they go on to do more hurt and more hurt until someone finally does give them the punishment they are subconsciously seeking. Then and only then can they begin to heal as a person. When we do not seek to punish those who have TRULY (and I do mean truly) hurt us for no reason, we let them loose on the world to do more harm.

    As far as the Law of Three concerning love spells - truthfully, there is no such thing...please see the information above on how love spells really work - not the stuff seen in movies and then perpetuated on the Internet and in books.

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    Contrary to the popular hype and dire warnings from the misinformed about love spells being "controlling" "immoral" "dangerous" - etc., etc., it just isn't true. First, please see the comments above concerning how a spell actually works. (The first question of this list!) Secondly, anything done with true love in the heart (NOT done for your ego or because you "want to sleep" with someone) is not harmful or immoral. Doing a love spell with a good heart is no more manipulative than any other form of "manipulation" you do to get noticed by the person: Gifts, cards, wearing make-up, working out, dressing nice, wearing cologne, giving essence, all of these things could be considered "manipulative and controlling." A love spell gives you an edge, a place to work from that you not normally have, a truly fair chance, and the upper hand over the competition, BUT you are not forcing anyone to love you. And contrary to popular belief, you are not upsetting the "natural order." Instead, you are giving them the gift of true love in a way that they can understand without all the pressures and distractions of everyday life getting in the way.

    Futhermore, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with casting spells. If you were led to this type of endeavor, you probably are following the natural order of things for your own personal life! Who is to say that this is NOT the natural order of things?? Who is to say that to seek to help better your life is NOT the natural order of things? There is no way to "bend" the Universe with a spell or upset the "natural order" -- that is ridiculous, as if the Universe were so weak that you can "upset" it with doing spell work! That is a myth perpetuated by the totally uninformed. There is no proof that this is not part of the natural order. This is helping yourself and helping others to obtain your goals. The natural order of things IS that you help yourself! Otherwise, you would be sitting like a rock in your home....not going to work, not taking a shower, not making friends, etc., etc., for fear of upsetting the "natural order" of things. You make the natural order of your are allowed to help yourself in any way you can. That is the natural order of all life.

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    Absolutely not! Although it has been convenient for the church to lump satanism, voodoo,wicca, paganism, santeria, witchcraft, etc. into one big category - they are totally separate; each having their own set of beliefs and religious tenets. I do not have anything to do with satanism or the devil. I am a practicing Catholic as well as practicing Voodoo.

    Voodoo is more closely linked with Catholicism than anything else and in countries like Haiti, they are practiced side by side. Even in the revenge spells, there is nothing to do with calling on Satan to help you -- you call on certain Lois (spirits, akin to Catholic saints as a brief explanation) who may be used sometimes in good spells, sometimes in not so good spells, but NEVER do we call on Satan! Especially since I personally don't believe in the Devil or Satan...

    Futhermore, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with casting spells. If you were led to this type of endeavor, you probably are following the natural order of things. Who is to say that this is NOT the natural order of things?? There is no way to "bend" the Universe with a spell or upset the "natural order" -- that is ridiculous, as if the Universe were so weak that you can "upset" it with doing spell work! That is a myth perpetuated by the totally uninformed. There is no proof that this is not part of the natural order. This is helping yourself and helping others to obtain your goals. The natural order of things IS that you help yourself! Otherwise, you would be sitting like a rock in your home....not going to work, not taking a shower, not making friends, etc., etc., for fear of upsetting the "natural order" of things. You make the natural order of your are allowed to help yourself in any way you can. That is the natural order.

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    The majority of our spell kits take nine days to complete, about 30-40 minutes a day. You should only do one spell kit at a time with a 3-7 day break in between.

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    Some clients see results from the first day they start casting their spell. And, occasionally, people see a result from the time they even order spell work or a reading! (CAUTION: If you order spell kits or have a reading and you start seeing results immediately afterwards, you MUST still complete the work! There is a huge chance of losing those results if you don't complete the work because, in effect, you have made a contract with the Vodou spirits - in their minds - and they have already helped you. :-) So, you definitely want to continue on with your work even if you already got the results you were looking for!) Most commonly, though, it is about a month or so after you finish ALL of your spell work that is geared toward a particular goal. The results can really vary, though, as I have case histories on file where the client got results 6 months to a year after completing the spell work! I attribute this partially to the fact that we are dealing with forces that have no concept of time like we do. Time is a man made concept; spirits, Lois, and other beings of light do not live in a linear time frame as we do. Also, I believe that things happen when it is right for them to happen -- and I would rather see slow and sure results rather than quick results that fizzle out and leave you even more heartbroken than before. However, since we DO live in a linear time frame, I have tried to provide the time guidelines above, but you should be aware that your spell work can "kick in" at any time, probably up to one year after it has been completed.

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    Your particular religious beliefs do not hinder the spell, unless you let them. If you are too bound up with false guilt to let the spells work for you, they probably won't. The spell kits do not ask you to take on some other religion, just to let this work for you at this time by approaching it with an open mind and an open heart. In fact, I highly encourage you to continue whatever religion practice you believe in while doing your spell work. You do not have to give up or change your religion to have a spell work for you; you just need an open mind to the fact that there are many forces out there, both seen and unseen, and you have the right to use the natural forces of the world for your own good.

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    Almost all love spells can be reversed by conventional methods, i.e., breaking up with the person, picking arguments with the person, these things all have adverse effects on the relationship and will cause a spell "reversal" due to the fact that our love spells, contrary to popular belief, do not make someone your love slave. All love spells cause communication of love between the both of you! If you cut off this communication you are, in effect, breaking or reversing the spell. Please see above for more information on this subject in the topic "Do spells work? How do they work?" If you have cast a bad spell on a person, it is very difficult to reverse it and you will probably need professional help to do so. For this reason, you should be very, very careful about casting negative spells. You should be sure that you are justified in doing so and that you will not regret the consequences of the spell.

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    The Law of Three or Law of Return is a commonly held belief in some sects of Witchcraft,Pagan, and Wiccan practices. I do not personally believe in it, but respect it as a belief of others: Its basic tenet is that what you give out will be returned to you threefold (x3). I have not found any proof of this whatsoever in any way. No one in all the years I have been doing this has ever come to me and said, "oh, I did this love spell and now the person loves me three times more than I love them..." As I said, I do respect that there are others who believe in this, but the theory just doesn't hold water for me. (Especially not since I have seen some really evil people do terrible things and I NEVER saw it come back to them x3!) This is not a belief that is held in Voodoo (Vodou), which I practice and believe in. We hold more of a "do what you feel justified in doing" belief, with strict conventions held about justification. For instance, if you want to cast a love spell, here again, we do not believe that we are making someone a love slave or "holding them against their will." We believe that we are opening up the receptors of love between the two parties and working on the premise that they will respond to OUR feelings of TRUE LOVE for them.

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    Without taking up five pages of text here discussing the regional nuance of each of the terms above, basically the difference is in the names and the countries in which each evolved. At the heart of it, they are the somewhat the same thing: Voodoo/Vodou evolved out of the religions of Africa and Haiti, with different sects and beliefs coming from each country. Often "experts" say that "Voodoo" doesn't exist, but is a Hollywood "made up" word for the religion Vodou. But, really Voodoo is a regional term for the religion of Vodou ("Vodou" is the Haitian spelling). The same is true of "Hoodoo" - simply being a regional term, again all stemming from the religion of Vodou. There are those who will argue this point with me, but you are here now, so ya get my take on it! My personal practice is New Orleans Voodoo, which differs from Haitian Voodoo, but the basic tenets are the same.

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    No, it doesn't matter at all. In magickal affairs of the heart, love is love!

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