I want a spell to control the elements, shoot fireballs out of my fingers, fly, levitate, transform myself into an animal, move objects, etc.
First of all, most of these kinds of requests are ego-driven...the user wants to do this to impress their friends or peers. I am not interested in helping anyone impress anyone else. Second, although I have printed element-controlling spells in my newsletter, it is out of respect for those who have a belief in such. I don't personally believe in efficacy of or necessity for them. I do not sell or give out spells for shooting fireballs out of the fingers, making furniture or other objects dance, changing your hair from black to blonde (see the magic of Nice 'n Easy hair coloring produtcts), changing you into a bird, dog, cat, etc., etc., because they don't really exist. This is the stuff movies are made from. This is not to say that there aren't individuals in the world with telekinetic powers (the ability to move things with their minds), etc. -- anything is possible with work and training. I do not provide this kind of service. If you want to make fireballs shoot out of your fingers, you should go to a shop that sells magic tricks.
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If I work something like a revenge spell on someone, will it backfire on me? Will it come back on me "times three?"
If you order revenge kits from me, they have protection rituals in them. But truly, as far as I am concerned, the "rebound" effect of spells is basically the Law of Return, BUT I find that to be true in all of life, not just magick, basically you can get what you give. The exception to that is that you are actually giving that person what S/HE gave, so really that is where the rebound is, it is back at that person who hurt you. As long as you are justified (i.e., you have been hurt in your heart -- not just your pride or your ego, although those are important things as well) in your spell casting for revenge, you will be protected from rebound because you are just sending back what you got from them.
You will have no karmic backlash for anything you do with honesty. The Law of Return doesn't work that way -- YOU will be THEIR karmic backlash - you see, that is how it really works (though the movies never portray it that way). We are all instruments of the karmic backlash and that is how it works. When you have been actually wronged, that person is inviting you to inflict the punishment on them that they deserve (although, of course, they don't know that - but that is the path they have predestined for themselves, but their conscious mind is not aware of it). If you do not act, then the "karma" is not fulfilled and they go on to do more hurt and more hurt until someone finally does give them the punishment they are subconsciously seeking. Then and only then can they begin to heal as a person. When we do not seek to punish those who have TRULY (and I do mean truly) hurt us for no reason, we let them loose on the world to do more harm.
As far as the Law of Three concerning love spells - truthfully, there is no such thing...please see the information above on how love spells really work - not the stuff seen in movies and then perpetuated on the Internet and in books.
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Are love spells controlling, manipulative, immoral, wrong, or harmful?
Contrary to the popular hype and dire warnings from the misinformed about love spells being "controlling" "immoral" "dangerous" - etc., etc., it just isn't true. First, please see the comments above concerning how a spell actually works. (The first question of this list!) Secondly, anything done with true love in the heart (NOT done for your ego or because you "want to sleep" with someone) is not harmful or immoral. Doing a love spell with a good heart is no more manipulative than any other form of "manipulation" you do to get noticed by the person: Gifts, cards, wearing make-up, working out, dressing nice, wearing cologne, giving flowers...in essence, all of these things could be considered "manipulative and controlling." A love spell gives you an edge, a place to work from that you not normally have, a truly fair chance, and the upper hand over the competition, BUT you are not forcing anyone to love you. And contrary to popular belief, you are not upsetting the "natural order." Instead, you are giving them the gift of true love in a way that they can understand without all the pressures and distractions of everyday life getting in the way.
Futhermore, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with casting spells. If you were led to this type of endeavor, you probably are following the natural order of things for your own personal life! Who is to say that this is NOT the natural order of things?? Who is to say that to seek to help better your life is NOT the natural order of things? There is no way to "bend" the Universe with a spell or upset the "natural order" -- that is ridiculous, as if the Universe were so weak that you can "upset" it with doing spell work! That is a myth perpetuated by the totally uninformed. There is no proof that this is not part of the natural order. This is helping yourself and helping others to obtain your goals. The natural order of things IS that you help yourself! Otherwise, you would be sitting like a rock in your home....not going to work, not taking a shower, not making friends, etc., etc., for fear of upsetting the "natural order" of things. You make the natural order of your life....you are allowed to help yourself in any way you can. That is the natural order of all life.
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Does this have anything to do with satanism or the devil?
Absolutely not! Although it has been convenient for the church to lump satanism, voodoo,wicca, paganism, santeria, witchcraft, etc. into one big category - they are totally separate; each having their own set of beliefs and religious tenets. I do not have anything to do with satanism or the devil. I am a practicing Catholic as well as practicing Voodoo.
Voodoo is more closely linked with Catholicism than anything else and in countries like Haiti, they are practiced side by side. Even in the revenge spells, there is nothing to do with calling on Satan to help you -- you call on certain Lois (spirits, akin to Catholic saints as a brief explanation) who may be used sometimes in good spells, sometimes in not so good spells, but NEVER do we call on Satan! Especially since I personally don't believe in the Devil or Satan...
Futhermore, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with casting spells. If you were led to this type of endeavor, you probably are following the natural order of things. Who is to say that this is NOT the natural order of things?? There is no way to "bend" the Universe with a spell or upset the "natural order" -- that is ridiculous, as if the Universe were so weak that you can "upset" it with doing spell work! That is a myth perpetuated by the totally uninformed. There is no proof that this is not part of the natural order. This is helping yourself and helping others to obtain your goals. The natural order of things IS that you help yourself! Otherwise, you would be sitting like a rock in your home....not going to work, not taking a shower, not making friends, etc., etc., for fear of upsetting the "natural order" of things. You make the natural order of your life....you are allowed to help yourself in any way you can. That is the natural order.
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How long does it take to cast the spells in the spell kits you sell?
The majority of our spell kits take nine days to complete, about 30-40 minutes a day. You should only do one spell kit at a time with a 3-7 day break in between.
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When will I see results from the spell I cast?
Some clients see results from the first day they start casting their spell. And, occasionally, people see a result from the time they even order spell work or a reading! (CAUTION: If you order spell kits or have a reading and you start seeing results immediately afterwards, you MUST still complete the work! There is a huge chance of losing those results if you don't complete the work because, in effect, you have made a contract with the Vodou spirits - in their minds - and they have already helped you. :-) So, you definitely want to continue on with your work even if you already got the results you were looking for!) Most commonly, though, it is about a month or so after you finish ALL of your spell work that is geared toward a particular goal. The results can really vary, though, as I have case histories on file where the client got results 6 months to a year after completing the spell work! I attribute this partially to the fact that we are dealing with forces that have no concept of time like we do. Time is a man made concept; spirits, Lois, and other beings of light do not live in a linear time frame as we do. Also, I believe that things happen when it is right for them to happen -- and I would rather see slow and sure results rather than quick results that fizzle out and leave you even more heartbroken than before. However, since we DO live in a linear time frame, I have tried to provide the time guidelines above, but you should be aware that your spell work can "kick in" at any time, probably up to one year after it has been completed.
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I am a Christian (Jew, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, etc.). Can I still cast a spell?
Your particular religious beliefs do not hinder the spell, unless you let them. If you are too bound up with false guilt to let the spells work for you, they probably won't. The spell kits do not ask you to take on some other religion, just to let this work for you at this time by approaching it with an open mind and an open heart. In fact, I highly encourage you to continue whatever religion practice you believe in while doing your spell work. You do not have to give up or change your religion to have a spell work for you; you just need an open mind to the fact that there are many forces out there, both seen and unseen, and you have the right to use the natural forces of the world for your own good.
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How can I reverse the spell that I have cast?
Almost all love spells can be reversed by conventional methods, i.e., breaking up with the person, picking arguments with the person, these things all have adverse effects on the relationship and will cause a spell "reversal" due to the fact that our love spells, contrary to popular belief, do not make someone your love slave. All love spells cause communication of love between the both of you! If you cut off this communication you are, in effect, breaking or reversing the spell. Please see above for more information on this subject in the topic "Do spells work? How do they work?" If you have cast a bad spell on a person, it is very difficult to reverse it and you will probably need professional help to do so. For this reason, you should be very, very careful about casting negative spells. You should be sure that you are justified in doing so and that you will not regret the consequences of the spell.
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What is this Law of Three that I keep hearing about?
The Law of Three or Law of Return is a commonly held belief in some sects of Witchcraft,Pagan, and Wiccan practices. I do not personally believe in it,
but respect it as a belief of others: Its basic tenet is that what you give out will be returned to you threefold (x3). I have not found any proof of this whatsoever in any way. No one in all the years I have been doing this has ever come to me and said, "oh, I did this love spell and now the person loves me three times more than I love them..." As I said, I do respect that there are others who believe in this, but the theory just doesn't hold water for me. (Especially not since I have seen some really evil people do terrible things and I NEVER saw it come back to them x3!) This is not a belief that is held in Voodoo (Vodou), which I practice and believe in. We hold more of a "do what you feel justified in doing" belief, with strict conventions held about justification. For instance, if you want to cast a love spell, here again, we do not believe that we are making someone a love slave or "holding them against their will." We believe that we are opening up the receptors of love between the two parties and working on the premise that they will respond to OUR feelings of TRUE LOVE for them.
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What is the difference between Vodou, Voodoo, Vodun/Vodoun, and Hoodoo?
Without taking up five pages of text here discussing the regional nuance of each of the terms above, basically the difference is in the names and the countries in which each evolved. At the heart of it, they are the somewhat the same thing: Voodoo/Vodou evolved out of the religions of Africa and Haiti, with different sects and beliefs coming from each country. Often "experts" say that "Voodoo" doesn't exist, but is a Hollywood "made up" word for the religion Vodou. But, really Voodoo is a regional term for the religion of Vodou ("Vodou" is the Haitian spelling). The same is true of "Hoodoo" - simply being a regional term, again all stemming from the religion of Vodou. There are those who will argue this point with me, but you are here now, so ya get my take on it! My personal practice is New Orleans Voodoo, which differs from Haitian Voodoo, but the basic tenets are the same.
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Does it matter if I am gay and want to cast a Voodoo love spell?
No, it doesn't matter at all. In magickal affairs of the heart, love is love!
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