Get Help with New Orleans Voodoo Money Spells and Voodoo Lucky Spells | Spellmaker

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Help with New Orleans Voodoo Money, Luck, and Job Spells

written for you by Rev. Samantha Corfield

First, some quick facts about our money/luck magick products:

1. If you do not have a clear understanding about how our products work, why they work, when they work, when they might not work, etc., you should first read the question and answer section by CLICKING HERE.

2. Our money magick products and luck products are very safe. They are not designed to "trick" you by letting money come to you in a way that is bad for someone else (such as causing someone else's death and you inherit money - these products just do not work that way).

3. When doing money magick, you should be realistic. You probably won't win the lottery. Money magick is meant to be based on "need not greed." Be fair in what you ask for and what you need it for.

4. We do have other products besides spell kits that may be helpful to your situation. Many money matters, luck matters, etc. can benefit by the use of voodoo money oils, money charms, candle magick kits, etc. and don't need a full Voodoo spell kit. HOWEVER, if you situation is very serious, spell kits are your best remedy. Understandably, not everyone is in the position to do spell kits, and, thus, the other products may bring some relief to your situation.

5. If you are living in a place where a lot of fighting, crying, upset, etc., has gone on, it is often advised to first use the Marie Laveau Clean Sweep House Blessing Kit™
before using any other magickal products. Usually you can tell if you need to do this kit -- you will feel a "heaviness" around your home or a feeling that you don't want to be there, etc. Negative energy build up is something that you can feel -- if you don't feel it, then you probably don't need the kit!

6. If you feel your situation is very serious, you may want to consider having me cast the spell with you. This is called a dual casting. The kits and products I craft and offer for sale are meant to empower you to help yourself in your situation. They are also meant to be used by those with little or not magickal experience. However, sometimes you may feel that a situation is serious enough to warrant having extra help. In that case, when you order your spells, choose the "dual casting" option.

7. In other case you may feel like you are unable to do the spells yourself. Maybe you don't have time, or the place to do them. In that case you would have me do the spells for you. This is called a solo casting where I work on my own for you. This is a good choice if you feel you don't have the time or energy to devote to your own castings.

8. If you desire to read more about the processes of dual and solo castings, please CLICK HERE.


1. I want to win the lottery.

2. I need money because I am swamped with bills.

3. I am unlucky with money.

4. I want to boost my business.

5. I want a job, a better job, or a new job.

6. I enjoy gambling, but would like better luck at it.

1. I want to win the lottery.

....a. As per the above, money magick should always be based on "need not greed."

....b. Set a more realistic money/luck goal.

....c. Never believe any practitioner that tells you they are going to help you win the lottery!

2. I need money because I am swamped with bills.:

....a. Big Money™ spell kit and/or casting service.
Use this kit either when you want a specific amount for a specific purpose (i.e., to pay off bills, buy a car because you need a new one, family matters, etc.).

....b. Sobo Money Charm. Simple to use!

....c. Green male/female candle magick kit. (Use candle appropriate to your gender to boost your finances.)

  • Can't burn your own candles? See our candle burning services!

    3. I am unlucky with money.

    ....a. Lots-a-Luck™ spell kit and/or casting service.

    ....b. Then follow up with Big Money™ spell kit and/or casting service.

    ....c. Green male/female candle magick kit. (Use candle appropriate to your gender to boost your finances.)

  • Can't burn your own candles? See our candle burning services!

    4. I want to boost my business.

    ....a. Lots-a-Luck™ spell kit and/or casting service.

    ....b. Then follow up with theBig Money™ spell kit and/or casting service.

    ....c. Green male/female candle magick kit. (Use candle appropriate to your gender to boost your finances.)

    ....d. If you are self employed, Get a Job™ spell kit and/or casting can still be useful when used as "enhance my job."

  • Can't burn your own candles? See our candle burning services!

    5. I want a job, better job, or new job.

    Get a Job™ and/or casting service.
    This can be used to petition for a specific job, better job, new, job, etc. Just remember, you cannot get a job that you are not qualified for by using this spell kit.

    ....b. Sobo Money Charm. Simple to use!.
    Especially useful to wear on job interviews!

    ....c. Big Bank Roll™ Money Potion.
    Also especially useful to wear a bit of this on a job interview!

    6. I enjoy gambling, but would like better luck at it.

    Lots-a-Luck™ spell kit and/or casting.

    ....b. Papa Alegba's Lucky charm. Simple to use!

    ....c. Green male/female candle magick kit. (Use candle appropriate to your gender to boost your luck.)

    ....d. Lucky Lee™ potion

  • Can't burn your own candles? See our candle burning services!

    Still need help choosing your voodoo money spells or products?
    You can get help also with our Automated Money Spell Help

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