Welcome to Sister Bridget Corfield's page! As the initiated daughter of Mambo Samantha Corfield and Parran Matthew Corfield, Sister Bridget has received sacred tools and spiritual blessings of a true New Orleans Voodoo family directly from Mambo Sam and Parran Matt. This will aid her greatly in assisting you with these readings. She has been reading for Spellmaker clients for many years! She will have special insight into your spell work or your spell work needs.
Sister Bridget was initiated into the family of Mambo Sam and Parran Matt as a Priestess of Ogoun. Under the guidance of Ogoun and teachings of her initiation, Sister Bridget has expanded her knowledge and expertise in order to better assist you with your needs.
If you still have questions after reading all the information, please write directly to Sister Bridget at bridget@spellmaker.com and she will gladly answer all questions.
While she does specialize in love readings, Sister Bridget can read for you on any subject that you desire. If you have done spellwork with us here at Spellmaker, she can also help you in obtaining guidance regarding the effects, efficacy, and possible challenges of your spellwork.
Readings are offered either by email, in a secure chatroom, or by phone. (Please note that doing your reading in the chatroom does allow Sister Bridget to send you a transcript of the reading for future reference. This is highly recommended) Explore the world of tarot with Sister Bridget! We promise you will not be disappointed in her skill, spiritual gifts, and kindness.
Please read carefully. There are different packages below for the types of readings that Sister Bridget does. (See below for Sister Bridget's latest offering - Monthly Reading Subscriptions.) Each reading offering is based on a particular need for information. Do you need just a quick insight on one subject or question? Then you would choose the 3 Card Quick Pick! If you need more information, there are other readings you may choose from, including the pendulum readings, so please read the entire offering selection below.
Once you decide upon the reading you desire, simply click on the BUY NOW button for the reading of your choice. (Please note: You DO NOT need a PayPal account to pay for your reading. You can use almost any credit or debit card to pay.) This will take you to the payment page. Once your reading is paid for, you will be automatically directed to the form to fill out. (911 READINGS please see below for special instructions.)Please make sure that you enable your spam filters to accept email from bridget@spellmaker.com - especially if you have a Yahoo! email account.
After you order, you will be directed to a page with a form that you must fill out in order to schedule your reading with Sister Bridget. Please note: If you do not fill out the form, Sister Bridget will have no way to know that you ordered a reading! Therefore, it is imperative that you fill out the form properly in order to insure receiving your reading in a timely fashion.
The form you fill out will allow you to choose between the email reading, the chatroom reading, and the phone reading for whichever type of reading you have chosen. (Again, please note, 911 readings have special instructions below.) Additionally, it will give you space to inform Sister Bridget of anything you feel she needs to know for the reading. Please choose from the reading selections below.
Order a 30 minute, 911 reading with Sister Bridget: $60.00
![]() ![]() This is a good choice if you are looking for insight on just a quick question or if you need guidance just on one particular aspect of your case. Please note: This is meant to be a short, 15-minute only reading. If you feel you will need more time or more details, please order a longer reading. Thank you so much! Order a 3 card quick pick reading from Sister Bridget: $24.95
![]() ![]() The Celtic Cross spread is one of the most popular tarot spreads, providing varied insight into many aspects of a complex situation and your role in it. If you choose an email reading you may ask up to 5 questions. For phone and chatroom readings, as many questions may be asked as time and interpretation of cards allows. Order a 10 card Celtic Cross Reading with Sister Bridget: $39.95
![]() ![]() The Lover s Path spread gives deep insight into the intellectual, creative, emotional, and spiritual aspects of both people in the relationship. This is not a spread to be repeated frequently, but rather to use the information and advice presented to gain understanding and help plan future approaches/strategies in your relationship. A reading like this is meant to look at long term possibilities for your relationship. If you choose an email reading you may ask up to 7 questions. For phone readings, as many questions may be asked as time and interpretation of cards allows. Order a Lover's Path spread with Sister Bridget: $49.95
![]() Love to get a lot of readings?! Here is a great way to do that and save money. Just sign up for Sister Bridget's Monthly Reading Subscription Service. You can choose between getting weekly 15 minute or weekly 30 minute readings for a very reasonable cost: Only 75.00 a month for your weekly 15 minute readings or 120.00 a month for your weekly 30 minute readings. You can cancel the subscription at any time! |