Steeped in mystery and tradition, Old New Orleans Traditional Witchcraft is both fascinating and practical. A blend of folk magick, voodoo, hoodoo, kitchen witch, and African magick - Old New Orleans Traditional Witchcraft has gained worldwide fame. The witchcraft supplies below are designed to assist you in bringing relief to day-to-day problems. All the materials are carefully chosen and blessed for you by Rev. Samantha Corfield. Every product available here has been hand-packed here at The Voodoo Boutique and contains COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS and supplies (where appropriate) for immediate use! Selection includes easy-to-use love spells, money spells, luck spells, oils, herbs, magick bath salts, incense, and more! And if you like to create your own magick spells, see our section below on candles, oils, incense, and herbs, all consecrated; use in combination with each other to create your own magickal spell.PLEASE NOTE: This is Old New Orleans Traditional Witchcraft. Products are not necessarily Wiccan, but they can definitely be used for any Wiccan purposes. Anyone practicing Wicca will know why it is okay to use these products. If you are not practicing Wicca, then no worries! Use anything on this page.
Please click here for an explanation of the difference!
Non-binary, trans customers, other needs: Our candles are all currently labeled male and female. However, if you will please contact us at we can still help you by modifying candles for you. Just let us know!

Assorted house made candles waiting for you!
Single candle magick kits come with ONE candle, herbs, oil, and instructions.
Triple candle magick kits (Body, Mind, Spirit kits) come with THREE candles, herbs, oils, instructions, and free incense.
Triple candle magick kits are a great value with a much lower price than buying three kits individually.

All of our candles are handmade, hand-poured, in-house by Parran Matt!
•Need the candles done for you instead of doing them yourself? Mambo Sam and Parran Matt
will burn the candles for you.
Click Here for More Information!
Candle Magick Kits for Love Spells, Romance, Relationships

Candle Magick Kits for Money, Power, Luck, Wishes

Candle Magick Kits for Healing, Spirituality, Enhancing Magickal Powers, Protection

Candle Magick Kits for Revenge, Harm,
Send Away, Keep Away

The Black Mummy candle spell's possibilities are almost endless and this candle magick is appropriate for any purpose in which you wish to send darkness, despair and bad luck. NOTE: This mummy candle should only be used for ONE situation, not several. Using it for different situations weakens the candle magick. If you have more than one situation you need to exert control over, then you need a separate Black Mummy Candle Magick Kit for EACH situation.

Your candles are made with care, by hand, in small batches. Every candle is consecrated before shipping to you.

Like to create your own magick?! Using the proper ingredients is paramount to creating your own spell work. The following products may be combined (or used alone) to create your own powerful spell work. Any product below that has a similar use (love product, money product, luck product, etc.) may be combined for a single purpose so that you may customize your own spell work. Generally speaking, candles, oils, and incense for any purpose would be the start of a very good way to customize a spell for yourself. Add in herbs, gris-gris bags, bath salts, etc. to make a stronger spell that you create for yourself.

Hand-crafted, consecrated products.
These are traditional stick candles, colored all the way through (one should never use "dipped" candles for magick - they should be colored all the way through the candle), perfect for any kind of magickal endeavor. As with all our products, they are consecrated for you, but feel free to consecrate in your own tradition once you receive them. A pack of 10 6" candles for $19.95.

Cosmic Voodoo™ Love Spell Oils Pack:
Oils to stimulate your love life, help bring a love to you, attract lovers wherever you go. Irresistible! Use on candles, sacred objects, yourself, in the bath, etc. Use on yourself straight from the bottle to enhance all love situations or encourage a love situation to manifest. Perfect for enhancing any kind of love magick.

Cosmic Voodoo™ Attraction Oils Pack:
A little bit different than the above as these oils can be used to attract friends and lovers, make you stand out in the crowd, assist you in attracting good things to come your way. Perfect for using on candles, in the bath, on sacred objects, for all love spell magickal attraction type work.

Cosmic Voodoo™ Success Oils Pack:
Oils to enhance your chances of success in all situations: love, money, luck, etc. Enhances other oils used for various purposes. Increases chances of success on job interviews, presentations, written works, etc. Burn some candles with these oils and/or put a few drops in a bath before going into situations where you want to be successful.

Cosmic Voodoo™ Power Oils Pack:
Oils to make you powerful, have command over situations, puts you in control. Use for situations where you need strength, power, and enhancement of skills. Burn candles with these oils on it, put a few drops in a bath, or wear on you straight from the bottle to enhance and grow your personal power. Power over fears and weaknesses of yourself or others.

Cosmic Voodoo™ Money Oils Pack:
Oils to help you draw money to yourself and others, if that is your wish. Great for gambling, lottery playing, enhancing money spell work, using before job interviews to ask for more money, applying for loans, etc. Use on candles, in bath, etc. Put a few drops on your wallet, in your purse, or anywhere you want to attract money.

Cosmic Voodoo™ Revenge Oils Pack:
Oils to help you banish your enemies, send them away, cause them to suffer losses, bring them great harm. Use wisely and with good reason, please. You should use these oils only on your true enemies. Be sure that you have been wronged through no fault of your own.

All of our magickal oils are available individually in large 8 dram bottles with instructions. Please choose from the list below.

All of our incense comes in large packs (50 cones or more) with free incense burner and complete instructions.
The magick of incense! All of our incense packs are consecrated before sending to you. It helps set the mood for spell casting or can be used just onto itself. Use it with your favorite candles to help set the mood for success in whatever you endeavor. Again, for serious magick, it is not a substitute for a complete spell or a spell kit. Are you allergic to incense or just can't burn it where you are? Mambo's hack for that is to grind the incense up and use it like a powder for spreading for the same effect. No fire. No smoke. Each title below contains at least 35 voodoo incense cones, a FREE incense burner, and complete instructions.

All gris-gris bags come with candle and complete instructions.

High John bag comes with genuine, consecrated High John root
(either one large piece or 2 or more smaller pieces,
nice carry bag, feeding oil, and instructions.
High John the Conqueror root (we use a nice-sized piece of High John root or two smaller pieces depending on our batch of roots - it is a naturally growing root, so we never know what size they will be) blessed by Rev. Samantha Corfield, anointing oil, carry bag, and instructions. High John Root is considered the most powerful magickal root and is carried to enhance magickal powers, luck in all matters, control, and power. NO magickal practitioner should be without this Root Bag.

Use when you desire to have someone take a romantic interest in you.

Use when you wish to join with someone for love or lust, or wish to have them make a commitment.

Immerse yourself in the essence of that which you desire. Can you do magick just by taking a bath? Yes, because with magick you are never doing "just" anything! No bath, just a shower? Dissolve the crystals in some warm water. Soak a towel with it. Wrap the towel around you! A generous 1/2 pound jar of our magickal bath salts. Complete instructions included with each title below:
For generating tender thoughts of love.

4 oz. bottle of Florida Water consecrated by Mambo Sam. This traditional water is used for cleansing the area upon which you will do your magickal works. You can also use it to cleanse any magickal tools, your hands before doing magickal work, etc. While this is traditional Florida Water, it is more powerful than Florida water you can buy in any store as it is consecrated.

4 oz. bottle of Rose Water consecrated by Mambo Sam. This is traditional rose water used for cleansing the area upon which you will do Love Magick. You can also use it to cleanse any magickal tools used for love or to cleanse yourself, your hands, etc. This rose water is consecrated on the point of love goddess lwa Erzulie Freda.

4 oz. bottle of Kananga Water consecrated by Mambo Sam. This traditional water is used for cleansing the area upon which you will do any kind of magickal works for personal or spiritual power. You can also use it to cleanse any magickal tools, your hands before doing magickal work, etc., where you need to add more power to the spell. While this is traditional Kananga Water, it is more powerful than that which you can buy in any store as it is consecrated on the point of power lwa Ogoun Feraille.

Samantha's Secret Formula™ Holy Water: For aspersion, consecration, blessing, etc.

Candle Magick Insights
by Mambo Samantha CorfieldA little bit about the candle magick kits: The candle magick kits are based on my tradition of Old New Orleans Witchcraft..This is a separate entity from my tradition of New Orleans Voodoo, but I find they work hand-in-hand very well. There is certainly no contraindication to using our New Orleans Voodoo products with our New Orleans Witchcraft products. They simply strengthen each other. New Orleans Witchcraft is a much more loosely-constructed practice than New Orleans Voodoo. This doesn't mean one is more desirable than the other , but New Orleans Witchcraft is not a religion. New Orleans Witchcraft is more based simply on trying to achieve a goal. There's nothing wrong with that. Most of our lives are spent trying to reach some kind of goas.
COMBINATION WORK: Candles are great for combination work. If you aren't using one of our spell kits, you can easily put together a combination of products to help you achieve a goal. For instance, choose above from some of the products that align with your goals. For instance, a candle magick kit, a mojo bag, and a bottle of oil. Everything we have has complete instructions with it. Putting them together should be pretty easy. For instance, you are trying to get a lover: You grab the appropriate candle kit for what you want. When you do the candle work, put the mojo bag with it. Put on a little bit of the oil you chose. I am sure you get the idea! Have fun creating.
MIND BODY SPIRIT CANDLE MAGICK: One very popular usage is the use of the Mind, Body, Spirit candle magick kits. This type of usage is very powerful if you feel that your heart's desire is a very stubborn type of person, or if you have been told (or know) that they are somehow spiritually damaged, or if they are the type of person who has been through extreme trauma in their life, or if your relationship with them was exceedingly damaged through negative influence either outside or inside the relationship.
What you are petitioning for (and this assumes you are going to do or have done regular and/or deluxe spell kit is that these problems/challenges/influences be removed from the Mind, the Body, and the Spirit of the person you are working on. That this person be healed of that negative damage, that they become whole again, that they have the ability to accept your spell work. Usage of the candles in this way is truly an act of healing. In essence, you aren't asking for them to come back to you, you aren't asking for any benefit to yourself EXCEPT that they have the ability to "hear" you through your spell work. Some clients have had great success using our St. Louis Cemetery #1 Black Banishing(tm) incense at the same time. Remember, you are using it to banish the negativity, and word your petition accordingly.
This same method can be used to try to facilitate true physical healing of a person who is sick, a person who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a person who is depressed, and so on. The same tact can be used when using pink or red male/female image candles to enhance the romance/love part of the relationship. In this case, the difference, of course, is that now you are asking them to accept your love, feel your love, and return your love. Again, lMind, Body, Spirit. This usage is appropriate having done spell work and feeling like the relationship still needs an extra "power boost." This,of course,has a lot to do with the status of the relationship, and how bad things are/were before, during, and after spell work.
OTHER METHODS: Other methods to using the candle magick kits are if you have gris-gris bags from your spell work, put them near the candle magick kits when using them. Hold them and petition much the same as you did with the spell work. Also, using one of the incenses appropriate to the situation along with the candle magick kit boosts the strength as well.
Of course, I think everyone doing spell work should own a High John the Conqueror root bag -- it strengthens ALL magick.
If you have dolls from a deluxe love spell that you are using for your heart's desire, you can also put your love doll near the candle(s) and send more energy that way, too. Not all situations warrant extra work and truthfully only you can be the real judge of that. Naturally, your caseworker can help you with that decision, but when you get right down to it, no one knows your situation better than you.
Famous Red Mummy Power Candle magick kit. This kit is used particularly to help gain control of a situation. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean trying to actually control a person, but control can be very useful when working on a stubborn target. This candle is especially useful if you are feeling helpless and out of communication in your situation.This candle can be used to help facilitate contact with your heart's desire, i.e., "controlling the situation so that you run into each other, or that s/he suddenly thinks of a reason why s/he needs to contact you. It can also be used to help control an interfering party to get out of the situation.
The Famous Black Mummy Candle should only be used when someone has done evil to you that was through no fault of your own. Again, this is a "control" candle -- interfering with their life in the way they have interfered in yours and to send them out of your life. This is when you need a leg up on a situation that has gotten out of control due to the influence of someone who knew about you, went out of their way to harm you, and basically has no conscience about what they did to you.
The New Orleans Red Witch love candle is something that is used to acquire either new love or help rekicndle an old love. It is a milder candle that is based on what was once known as "crimson witch magick." The Crimson Witch was supposedly once a real person (early1800's) who did witchcraft to save marriages, get those girls or guys who had no real prospects a relationship, etc. She was said to be a kind old lady interested in bringing happiness to others. Interestingly enough, the legend goes that she never married having lost her own true love to some kind of accident.
The 7 knob wishing candles are just what they say - candles for wishes. A wish is made on each knob of the candle, whether it be for spirituality, love, money, etc. You can make a different wish oneach knob, or the same one on each knob. It is one of our most versatile candles as each knob can be used for a different purpose as long as it is in the same category (love, money, etc.)
If you have any questions about which candle would be best for your situation, contact your caseworker or customer service. If you need a caseworker, email and one will be assigned to you! It is a free service.
Also, if you find yourself in a situation where you do not have the privacy or time to complete candle work, we do offer candle burning service here -
Quick Communication Spell
Hello everyone! Many times throughout the course of spell work we are not in communication with the person we are working on. This might be temporary due to circumstances or it might be due to the fact that you have lost all communication with the person. It is so difficult sometimes NOT to be in contact with that special person. I completely understand that and am offering you this "Quick Communication Spell" that you can use to try to help foster a contact with your intended!
Now please understand, there are some periods of time in spell work when it may actually be better NOT to be in communication with the object of your desire. For instance, sometimes things are too rocky between you and the communication will degenerate into an argument or harsh words. As you all know, that is not good for your spell work. :-) But no worries with the little "quick spell" outlined below: If you are not supposed to be in communication with your HD, it simply won't work for you.
Here's what you need:
- Two gender-specific figure candles (one to represent you, one to represent the person you want to contact you). You can use ones from candle magick kits from us - white, pink, or red will work fine and you can even do this spell with candles you are using right now as long as it is for the same person.
- Some kind of picture that represents the form of communication you want to use (a picture of a phone, computer, etc.).
Here's what you do:
- One candle represents you and one candle represents the person you want to communicate with you. (If using our candle magick kits, you still will do all the "regular" instructions of the candle kit.)
- Face the candles towards each other, so that they are "looking" at each other, about six inches apart.
- On the picture of the communication form write: "Johnny (insert the name of your HD), I want to hear from you. Please call (or email, or whatever you have chosen) me. I promise this will be a good communication for both of us." (And you have to really mean that - don't use this spell if you are angry and are going to be upset or petulant when the person calls! You will be defeating your own purpose.)
- Place the picture on the table (or other surface you are using) with the writing facing upwards.
- Do the normal ritual for the candle magick kits (if that is what you are using), this time meditating only on communicating with this person, how well the conversation will go, what nice things you will talk about, etc. (If you are using these candles for another purpose, you can return to that purpose next session.)
- When you are finished with the ritual and have extinguished the candles, pour a little bit of the candle wax from both candles (at the same time) on the paper. Concentrate on you and the person "melding" together in conversation. It just takes a small amount. Be careful not to burn yourself!
- When the candle wax is cooled and hardened, fold the paper in on itself (over the candle wax). If the paper doesn't stay together, you can tie it with string or ribbon so that it makes a nice, neat little package.
- Keep the paper somewhere safe until you hear from the person you are wanting to contact you OR seven days has passed. (If you are doing spell work, you can keep the paper on your altar. If you working with a love doll you can keep the paper with the doll. You can keep the paper with any of our magickal work that you might be doing.) Once you have heard from them OR seven days have passed, you can just throw the paper away - that spell is done. It either works within seven days or it doesn't work (for whatever reason). If it didn't work in seven days, try it again! :-) It really does work quite often. However, as I said, sometimes there is a REASON you are not in communication with a person. On the other hand, it doesn't hurt to try and this is relatively easy to do. :-)
General Info: This spell would be categorized as a "one time" spell - it doesn't mean the person will keep communicating with you necessarily. So you may need to do it again. For some people with whom communication is sparse or difficult, it might be a good idea to keep a set of candles around to work with just for this spell.
Have fun!
Love, Mambo Sam
Copyright © 1995-present, Samantha and Matthew Corfield, The Voodoo Boutique ®.
PRIVACY POLICY:, The Voodoo Boutique, Sheer Goddess and all related subsidiaries do NOT collect, sell, or use your information for any reason other than the conduction of normal business. We only use your information in the way that you allow it and only when you have specifically allowed for it, such as opting in for things like our newsletters. Your information is never shared with outside parties for any reason whatsoever. Our work and the usage of our services is extremely confidential in nature. Your privacy will always be respected and protected.