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voodoo money spells at the voodoo boutique

New Orleans Voodoo Money Spells. Luck Spells. Job Spells.

true voodoo charms

voodoo money spells

real voodoo


Everything is made in the USA, made here in our offices, by Vodou Priest Parran Matt and Vodou Priestess, Mambo Samantha Corfield. Spell kits are available for dual casting with Mambo Sam, or for doing on your own. As a lifetime initiate in her family tradition of New Orleans Voodoo as well as being initiated as a Mambo Asogwe in Haitian Vodou, Mambo Sam offers a unique and powerful blend of High Magickal Arts carefully performed to serve your Greatest Good. You may also choose to have Mambo Sam do a solo casting (where she works alone for you) on these spells. With a dual casting, you purchase the kit and Mambo Sam services. With a solo casting, you purchase Mambo Sam's services only.

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voodoo money potion

voodoo voodoo lucky potion

Our Bayou Vodou™potions are hand-blended with essential oils, herbs, and other magickal ingredients, according to Rev. Corfield's family traditional recipes. Potions are then consecrated in the New Orleans Voodoo tradition by Rev. Corfield. These are extremely strong and powerful potions; only a few drops are needed per usage. These potions can be used on yourself, others, candles, sacred objects, etc. Potions come with a beautiful pewter carry vial, storage bottle, and complete instructions. Our generous 4 ounce supply will last you six months to a year, depending upon your usage.

  • BIG BANK ROLL $$$™: Super money-drawing potion. Helps you find and bring money to you. Enhances the money you have. Promotes good money management. Wear a few drops on yourself, put on your "money related" items (wallet, etc.), rub a bit around your workplace, etc.
    Qty: Order Big Bank Roll$$$ Potion ($33.99)

  • LUCKY LEE™: All purpose lucky potion for gambling, money, lucky, job interviews, court cases, etc. Wear it while gambling or in other situations that you need your best luck for. Put some on your favorite lucky charm to enhance its power.
    Qty: Order Lucky Lee Potion ($33.99)

voodoo money candle

Don't have the time or place to do your own candle magick?
Mambo Sam and Parran Matt can now do the candle service for you!
Click here for more information.

voodoo candle magicvoodoo candles magic candles

Our candles are now hand poured, here in our offices! All USA made ingredients! Kits are all consecrated by Rev. Corfield for maximum power. Each kit contains 1 large unique candle as well as a generous supply of magickal oil and herbs. Candle magick is an economical but effective way to bring spiritual help into your life. Complete instructions are included.

(Candle magick kits are $29.95 each. They are also available in a 3 pack (see below) for Rev. Corfield's recommended triple strength "Body, Mind, Spirit" work. This allows you to work on the manifestation of a goal for yourself or someone else "Body, Mind, and Spirit" - covering all levels of the human condition. Special instructions for this intensive candle work are included in the 3 pack. One candle is FREE when you order the three pack and you receive a FREE incense pack to use to strengthen the candle magick work.)

  • GREEN MALE IMAGE CANDLE KIT: Use to bring money into your life, help with finances, etc. Change your financial status, get a better job, make more money at your present job, etc. May also be used to help someone else's financial forecast.
    Qty: Order Green Male Candle Magick Kit (29.95)

    > Qty: Order Body, Mind, Spirit Green Male Candle Magick Kit ($49.95)

  • GREEN FEMALE IMAGE CANDLE KIT: Use to bring money into your life, help with finances, etc. Change your financial status, get a better job, make more money at your present job, etc. May also be used to change someone else's financial forecast.
    Qty: Order Green Female Candle Magick Kit (29.95)

    Qty: Order Body, Mind, Spirit Green Female Candle Magick Kit ($49.95)

  • GREEN 7-KNOB WISHING CANDLE KIT: A true wishing candle. Burn one knob per money-related wish. It is best to keep wishes "realistic" such as wishing for a new job, a raise, or any other money wish that is reasonable. Fine to use for gambling to enhance chances of winning.
    Qty: Order Green 7-Knob Candle Magick Kit (29.95)

    Qty: Order Body, Mind, Spirit Green 7-Knob Candle Magick Kit ($49.95)

money voodoo spells

voodoo money oils voodoo money charm voodoo money gris-gris bag

  • Voodoo Money Oil Pack: 3 different, generous 2 dram bottles of our hand-blended, consecrated, traditional New Orleans Voodoo money oils. Use these oils on yourself, candles, sacred objects, in the bath, etc.
    Qty: Order Money Oil Pack ($19.95)

  • Voodoo Success Oil Pack: 3 different, generous 2 dram bottles of our hand-blended, consecrated, traditional New Orleans Vodooo success oils. Use these oils on yourself, candles, sacred objects, in the bath, etc.
    Qty: Order Voodoo Success Oil Pack ($19.95)

  • Voodoo Power Oil Pack: 3 different, generous 2 dram bottles of our hand-blended, consecrated, traditional New Orleans Vodooo power oils. Use these oils on yourself, candles, sacred objects, in the bath, etc.
    Qty: Order Voodoo Power Oil Pack ($19.95)

  • Get Out of Jail/Stay Out of Jail Power Oil pack: 3 different, generous 2 dram bottles of our hand-blended, consecrated, oil. Use this oil to try to get someone out of jail, stay out of jail, and get on with life! Complete instructions included.
    Qty: Order Voodoo Power Oil Pack ($19.95)

  • Voodoo Money Gris-Gris Bag: Traditional New Orleans Voodoo classic money gris-gris bag with special herb mixture and candle. Carry for financial luck.
    Qty: Order Voodoo Money Gris-Gris Bag ($19.95)

  • Voodoo Power Gris-Gris Bag: Traditional New Orleans Voodoo classic power gris-gris bag with special herb mixture and candle. Carry to enhance your personal power and strength, emotionally, psychologically, and physically.
    Qty: Order Power Gris-Gris Bag ($19.95)

  • Voodoo Lucky Gris-Gris Bag: Traditional New Orleans Voodoo classic money gris-gris bag with special herb mixture and candle. Carry to enhance your luck.
    Qty: Order Voodoo Lucky Gris-Gris Bag ($19.95)

  • Sobo's Money Charm: Traditional New Orleans Voodoo Sobo Money charm. Handmade.
    Qty: Order Sobo's Money Charm $19.95

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Free Wealth and Prosperity Ritual to Vodou Lwa Sobo

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Our Free Wealth and Security Ritual to Sobo is always held on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, every year! However, you can do the Sobo Wealth and Security ritual ANY time at all! (See below for the ritual pack.)

The very first step to participation in our free ritual in March is to email your letter of request regarding your finances or the finance of another. Obviously we cannot guarantee anyone results, but there is a great amount of power when we do these group rituals! You can email your ritual request to sobomylwa@spellmaker.com. This will automatically include you in our ritual!

We have also put together a nice ritual kit that can be used in conjunction with the ritual we will be doing. You do NOT need it to participate in or be included in the ritual. However, if you can participate in using this kit, it will definitely help strengthen your petition.

Even if you cannot participate in the ritual on March 17, you can still be included in the ritual by sending us an email as above and do this kit at any time before or after March 17! But again, you do not need to purchase anything to be included in the ritual. This kit is simply for those who can and want to purchase it to strengthen their ritual. Please click here for more information concerning the ritual itself!

sobo and bade
Sobo Wealth and Security Ritual Kit

  • 2 green candles
  • Frankincense
  • King's Charcoal to burn the Frankincense
  • Big Daddy Millionaire Oil™
  • Representative Money
  • Most Powerful Hand Holy Card
  • Veve for Sobo
  • Song for Sobo
  • Complete Wealth and Security ritual for Sobo
    Qty: Order Sobo Wealth and Security Kit $29.95)

PRIVACY POLICY: www.spellmaker.com, The Voodoo Boutique, Sheer Goddess and all related subsidiaries do NOT collect, sell, or use your information for any reason other than the conduction of normal business. We only use your information in the way that you allow it and only when you have specifically allowed for it, such as opting in for things like our newsletters. Your information is never shared with outside parties for any reason whatsoever. Our work and the usage of our services is extremely confidential in nature. Your privacy will always be respected and protected.

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Usage of this website constitutes an agreement to our Terms of Service.

US Navy Veteran Owned Business

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