Sacred Words used in the Secrets of the Psalms

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Below please find a short opinion by Prof. B. concerning words used in the Secrets of the Psalms. This was in answer to inquiries concerning the origins of the "Holy Names" used within the Psalms. This is a learned and educated opinion, but it is an opinion. It is suggested that further study on the subjects of Hebrew, the Kabala, Chaldean and other languages would be the route to take for further clarification if one were interested in such. The Professor's answer is unedited by the author of this website.

Holy Names, Sacred Words, Mystic Words

"Holy name," "sacred word," "mystic word," or "barbaric word of power" is really just a title, a way to call importance to the word referenced. I utilize some of these terms simply because they are in common use. Some people abstract the shemhamforash/schemahamephoras, or seventy-two holy names of the absolute or prime mover, from the psalms of Solomon, in a similar fashion to that indicated below, and it is true that in many cases the magical word may be one of those.

The words which are considered during the recitation of the psalms are extracted from the hebrew version of the psalm in question through the usage of gematria and/or notaricon and other cabalistic devices.

Think of the psalms not as judeochristian but as purely judaic in origin and content. The christians have adopted the psalms and included them in their bible for their own purposes, such as philosophical meditation, and to prove that their god existed.

The semitic and chaldean languages have many similarities, so it would only be natural that one could either find or imagine relationships, and many of these relationships would, in the sacred scriptures, be considered legitimate, while some would not... but all of that is open to question and individual judgement, since familiar sounds and sound combinations may be found in any linguistic comparison.

Do not forget that jerusalem was captured by the babylonians and that many judaeans were exiled to babylon. Aramaic is the semitic language adopted by the jews after their babylonian exile, and chaldee is the aramaic vernacular that was the original language of the bible. Chaldea was a region of ancient babylonia and chaldee was the semitic language of the chaldeans. The semites were akkadians, phoenicians, hebrews, and arales. Akkadian was a semitic language of ancient mesopotamia while babylonian was a form of the akkadian language used in ancient babylonia, and even remnant facets of this would reside within the language or languages that were in use concurrent to the babylonian exile. Semitic is a subfamily of the afro-asiatic language family which includes hebrew and aramaic. Hebrew is the semitic language of the hebrews of northern israel who were within the grouping of northern semitic peoples, and the israelites are included in the hebrew grouping. A jew is a descendant of a member of the tribe of judah, who was an ancester of one of the tribes of israel.

In order to learn how to find the words, a study of ciphers and cabbalistic manipulations until the whole concept becomes familiar to you might help. Also, try searching old original alchemical writings for experience, and realize that what is written is exactly what was meant, but was not for just anyone to understand. They are encoded through usage of metaphor and allegory, which are rampant within the texts, yet they become very clear to one who understands the technical vocabulary. Again, try looking into the bacon-shakespeare controversy on the baconian side for an interesting study of anagrammatic application as well as many other analytical tricks. Realize that, for instance, the book of genesis is not what it appears, and worse yet, its translation into english has even more concealed its message. A study of the books of the torah would not be a bad start. It may be that to fully understand any of this, if that would ever be possible, it might be necessary to undertake a formal education in linguistics. All this is a more-than-one-lifetime study, the profundities of the ancient writings, and there are many more hidden sacred traditions than just the jewish qabbalah, and even more surprising, they all seem to strangely interrelate.

In short, other than offering up the fact that the names used on the page herein concerning the psalms are hebrew words but written in english letters so that the presumably english-speaking reader can pronounce and understand the words, it would take extensive study to get to the origins of the words. It is up to the individual who wants to learn to do his/her own education on these matters.

The historic source and origination of a word is really of no significance to the use of the word unless one wishes to verify that it is the proper word to use. What is of greater importance is whether the word works, or achieves its purpose, and that is proven through actual application. These "holy names," or "words or power," or "mantras," or whatever you wish to call them, when pronounced, set up vibratory activity in the surrounding atmosphere and in your body, so that there occur changes in the electrical vibratory rate of your chakras and/or sephiroth and surrounding personal "space," or auric field in such a manner as to affect in a magnetic-like way your relationship with your environment, and so that different sounds activate different compartments of your brain and various of your internal organs so that consciousness is temporarily impressed into those facets of your body in such case as to help do the work required for the psalms to take effect.

I am sorry if there are any flaws in this writing, but I really have not much desire to be a personal teacher/guru or whatever, and therefore haven't bothered to inform myself of details which were of no practical use to me. Those of you who desire to ponder the philosophical aspects may certainly do so, but for myself, I only consider and apply what works. Therefore, because thought only confuses, it is best not to ponder, but to act. Perform rather than philosophize. That's all for now. Thank you for your interest and consideration.

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